The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)

fribime Katz Settled Larceny Case PHILADELPHIA (UPI) -The new owner of the Philadelphia 76ers was once arrested on' grand larceny charges in Florida for allegedly defrauding a woman of $20,000 in a diet center franchise, a published report said Sunday. The Philadelphia Bulletin reported that Harold Katz, a diet center millionaire who bought the Sixers for $12 million this week, paid an $8,000 South Side Softball NATIONAL CONFERENCE Eut PR man; Chet Williams, A1 Williams, Jimmy Calpin and Prank Silva. Dibiasi, A1 Williams, Calpin and Silva are all members of the Chic Feldman Foundation. FELDMAN MEMORIAL WINNER Lucky Key. with Chet Williams in the bike, won the annual Chic Feldman Memorial pace Sunday at Monticello Raceway.

With the winner after the race, left to right, are Carmen Dibiasi, John Manzi, Monticello settlement and was cleared of the charges. Katz told the Bulletin that he was never brought to trial and the charges were dropped because prosecutors had no case against him. Katz also said the charges were expunged from his record and, thus, be has no criminal record. The newspaper said Marie Smith of Sarasota, agreed on Aug. 8, 1972 to become partners in the ownership of Trim-A-Way franchise rights in Florida.

Katz later backed out of the partnership before papers were signed because he doubted Mrs. Smith's business ability, the newspaper said. Mrs. Smith paid $20,000 To Trim-A-Way and its officer, Sam Bernard, to buy the franchise rights, but was unable to sell any diet center franchises, the newspaper said. She told the Bulletin she and her husband, a former Philadelphia police were Just destroyed" by the TrlmA-Way investment, despite an $8,000 fine they received from Katz.

AHP9-1 Victor All Hyde Park scored a 9-1 victory over Bangor in the Scranton Association Sunday. Tom Burke led the Panthers with three hits while winner Rick Selemba, who homered. Bob Hoeffner, Paul Lojewski and A1 Skortowski each chipped in two safeties and John Phillips also homered. Frank Pochis bad two bits for Bangor. i mtum i LACKAWANNA W.K.

Graphics beat Zanghi's Body Shop, 10-4. Winner was Dan Donavan. Sam Luther and Paul Merkel both had two hits for Graphics and Bill Kreinberg had two hits for Zanghis. Sunday's Results Mondays Entries POST TIME 30 listed by Post Position lest Prob. 3 Outs Odds FIRST $3,000, C-3.

Poca Good Knight Nellie. Bradbury 5-1 Chovnwood A J. Gllmour, 753 0-1 Troves tad lady, Coloienni 4-4-B 7-3 Oliver. McCauley IH 7-5-6 B-l Clow Folio. Rodriguez 4-3-6 3-1 Security, Guiotto 7T.

6-7-5 B-l $2,500. ByoBup. dg. $3,500, 6 KCzluck. BtacoJr 4-1 ur.

Monday's Entries TALLMAN WINNER Lucretia Tallman, widow of the late Jim Tallman, Nicholson reinsman killed in a 1977 airplane crash, presents plaque to reinsman Bob Myers, who piloted Great Ore to victory in division of $43,146 Jim Tallman Memorial Pace at Pocono Downs Saturday night. At right is Jim Orasin. i St Michael Audoir. Burton 51 tlittO. Claiming Pace 2 Bow Whisk sy, Cuevas 5-2 I KenftFollv Thames 7-2 7 Mekbond.

Wegner 5-1 3 Kennedy. Colton 6-t 4 Tor Ton, Moya B-l 5 Ziggte tad, Fllletto 10-1 Music Above, tic 12-1 4 Feta's Chomp Today, 0, Diamond Morgans. 7, LMmMkla n. LaSalle; both at Wood Street; 6:11, Flrat State VI. D.

E. Baker, Norm Scranton; 1:30, Duamore Bank va. 8L Maiya; 7:30, 30tb Ward va. Glno'a; 1.30, Bevellee va. John Kl, all Schauta Tueeday, Slllner'a va.

Salerno-BrewUe'a. and 7, John Ka va. Soony'a, Mk North Scranton; 30, Baker va. POST TIME 7 45 FM listed by Graded FasiHan last Prob. 3 Outs Odds FIRST $1 ,400.

Clmg Face 2 Timely Moment, Groff 1-2-1 2-1 3 Happy leader, Wosiluk 2-2-1 3-1 4 lucky Nifty DsaTt, Vine! 5-7-3 9-2 Foreseen, Salerno 39-5 5-1 7 Dutch Command, Walsh 535 61 I Bud Toronto, Shoemaker HI 65-1 B-l 5 Go like Byrd. No 559 10-1 6 Avan lawman, Aranico 45-5 12-1 AE: Foss On Forward. Buckys Dream SECOND $1,100, mdn, poca. I Drawing Power, Unger 5-29 5-2 5 Gallery, Fosciute 2-55 1 3 Storybook Jude, I 4-33 7-2 7-7-3 B-l 4-1 6-6-5 12-1 3-4-7 6-2 5-1 Kmio led. RAewsngsr Ouy Dental, Fiitgereld Firs Bolt Creed, odrtguoa Sun Wave.

Oilmaur. Jake Praam, Phillips PF Collins, Voneh Icsrpls Way, Are no SWIFT FENCE CO. RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL or MATERIAL ONLY! SCCONO $3.000, 4yoAup, dg. $3,500. 1 Mi 3-1 4-1 5-1 6-1 0-1 14-t 5 Final Spring.

Kallar 3 Foolish Ethel. lloyd 1 Nsepolie. Grass 6 Gvnnads, Rica 2 Froperotian, Catave 0 tout Qussns, Grass 7 hporus. Montoya. 4 in tons, lloyd THIRD $4,600, mdn, 3yo 4 fur.

6 Misty Michael, lunbarg 4-2-3 255 THIRD 03. 100, Claiming Face Suave Yonkoo, Oilmaur Mmttsl Mon, Guiana PoyOHN Pike III Inchsa. Zusolo Centenary Yaor, Schor Corburl, Gllmour Ceubla Entry. lutmen nbov. 1-6-7 7-2-5 3-2-1 566 4-7-5 Wedneaday, Flrat State va.

LaSalle: 7, Diamond v. Mb Ward; Sakrna-Browale va. Revello'a; t. Soaaya va SL Mary 'a all at SS. Complex, Morgan'i ve.

John K'a, and 7, Glno'a va BoUu, hath at Wood Street; 15, Slllner'a va. Baker, Weston Park. Tbunday, I LaSalle ve. St Maiy'e, and Uawoafci'i va Baker, both at Wood Street; 0.30, Morgan's vs. Glaos; 7:30, Bains va.

Saleraa-Browalas; Duamore Bank va Revelloa all at Schauta. WOOD FENCING Stockade Post and Rail French Gothic Ottor SttigM is Chests Fms FRANK BLACK MGR. 3475600 Deliveries Available 1008 N. Washington Ave. 9-1 3-1 4-1 5-1 10-1 10-1 4 Bong the Gavel, Kuniteke 1 JiHy Jet.

Baker 2 Royal Thro, Kallar. 5 WhimsariHo, No rider 7 Easter Athlete, ludora FIRST $3,300, B-3C-I poc OH 4-FR Skips (Roilo) 7.30 5 60 9 00 7-fly Fly Scot (Allan) 13 30 90 KeyeHtlGolloQhef) 6.30 Ho Kiwdiei Tim 303 3 SECOND $6,300. 0-304 poea. OH 3 36. 2-locky Kay (Wiiltomo) 16 00 7 40 1 1 30 Allsw Fignt (Inyoaato) 5.60 7-AWooo Honovor (Crowford) 6.00 No itioKl.

Tima 2 013 OAKY DOUBLE (4-31 Fold 175 40 QCHNIEiA (3-61 Paid $57 00 IMItO $3,600. clmg pocs. OH 3 S3. AMorty Jana ij'Gilmour) 3 $0 9 60 fight Byrd (PtUtlno) 4 30 3 00 S-C honor Gif I Fanny (Roilo 1 2 60 No acrotchot Tima 3 01 3 TBIFCCTA (3-6-51 FOfdllQSOQ QUINHtA (3-41 Fold $13 60 FOUOTM clmg poca OH 3. 1 5.

aMckiataby (Allan) 6 00 3 00 3 50 Jk mures (Fatmo) 3 RO 2 00 Austin (Hyesll) 9 00 Noocrotchoi Tuna 2 03 3 1 FERFCCTA (3-41 Fold IH $0 FIFTH $3,300. clmg poca. OH 3 35. l-fauaoFridoA (Wunderlich) 6.40 3 $0 6 00 0 jersey Sweat Com (Washington) 6 40 6 60 4-Fooo Honovor fRicco Jr 4 60 Ms scrotchas time 3 03 I FEBftCTA (3-3) Fold $JQ 60 SIXTH $3,600, dmg pace OH 3 55. I-Timone Brass (Ai Monel) 6 00 3 BO 9 30 Hs lemon (Rizzo) 3 00 2 60 7-jniBenkar (J Gilmour) 9 60 Ha scrotchse Tima StOOO 3 FERFECTA 0-3) Feld 117 60 BiyBNTH $4,000, dmg pocs.

OH 4:21. 3-MtilsNicka Frida (Allan) 4.40 3 60 2 30 MasiefGeld(RtcceJr.) 400 9 40 I -Mouth (King) 9.60 Hp scrotchas. Tima 3 01 3 TRIFECTAl2-8IIFoid INI 30 QOIMKiArA hoidlisao -flGHTH $4,900. dmg pace OH 4 42 3 Orscatrangrtt (Sosa) 6 50 4 30 9 BO lOippsre Frida (In grama) 3.00 9 00 0 Homy (Piietyiol) 7.40 64a cerate hat Tima 3 00 i FERFECTA (3-1) Fold 111 00 BHHTH $7,000 close ABIB3 hdcp pecs OH 5 04 7-Ji Byrd (AHan) 0.30 310 2 40 Southampton Henry (Bowen) 40 9 B0 AWhuowolls (Flnfcelatoln) 2.40 No icratchst Tima 156 I QiUNBlA (4-7) Feld 1 1 30 TENTH $3,400 dm aha pace OH 5 25. 4-Armtore Over land (Crowford) .400 3 00 2 60 5-Ountinane (Gtlmawr) 3 40 2 60 t-Sligo (Roilo) 9 30 Scrotchas Ananias Tima 3 03 3.

ir. TRlfECTA (4-5-1) Paid 637 SO QUINBIA (4-5) Paid 17 30 5 ndls 547I.R06; Attendance 4.244 Sheaerian Jr. 2 Rockiest Lod. Weaver 7 Chopped liver, Warrington 455 51 6 6onnieTs Tuff, Angee Jr. 655 51 4 Bill Oollo.

No Oriver 65-5 12-1 Unde lip. Greff 5-7-9 251 AC. Sneak Attack, fly fly Jackie. THIRD 91.100. Clmg, Face 1 Crystal David.

Anglo Jr 1-79 91 3 Way To fly. No Driver 15-7 7-2 4 Mountain Espa, lake 25-5 4-1 5 Flutus Oowkms 7-6-5 91 7 Del lynch, Jones 3-95 91 2 Walking Skier, 959 9 5 Lancaster Boy, No Driver 45-7 10-t 4 Toiloru.ShegerionJr 39-2 12-1 AE 5 Elite, Tommy Wild FOURTH 11.600. Clmg, Foe 7 Quick Charlie, 2-49 1 W. Debbie. Kirby 97-7 4 I'm Back, toko 5-35 Steady Nawyarhar.

Salerno 4-1-7 6 Tima To Bat, Morohn 959 5 Stave ley, DuMont 579 2 Fed Hanover, Height 3 Kiwi Command, Or An 31 7-2 51 9-2 51 91 191 7-57 12-1 Yonoti FOURTH Tret Myrons Bunny, Ricco Jr 7-4-5 Aphrodtsie. Gllmour 5-7-4 Tapper Schnapps, DeSantis 1-3-5 Hobo Return. Allan 5-6-2 Ttmefhy Hauser, Messenger. 4-6-6 Gngseh. lutmon 4-6-2 Fainting Devil, Bryonl 5-2-7 12-1 Guilty, Patino 2-6- 6-1 FIFTH Non-Winnor.

Pert Mutual. Pace Thunder Rood, Forelto 5-5-5 4-1 Dresden AJmohwrtl. OunkenteM 5-1 Cobm Fever, Feiitte 9-7-4 5-1 Big 2 Seslay, Watch 7-s-a 12-1 Silent Sentry. Messenger 3-1 Flat Countess. Thompson 6-s-s 5-1 Outch HH Duka.

Fitcgareld 7-2 3 Byrd. Dtafefono 12-1 SIXTH 1.300, Claiming Face. Formal Victory, Gllmour 6-6-7 S-1 John Bov Minear, Ricco Jr. 4-5-6 4-1 Christmas Carol. Elches 5-s-s 5-1 I Acres, or bos 7-2-3 4-1 Adopt Sohbro.

DtaMono 7-6-7 B-l Waller Wove, Merton 2-7-6 9-1 Punch Primrose, Bryent 6-2-5 5 1 Mr Easterdoy. Nogy 4-4-4 12-1 FIFTH $1 .300, CD, Face. I Miss Televk. Bottoni 255 7 Morneen, lamped 99-2 4 Adiot Cambro, Bums 1-3-5 Aprilette. Salerno 915 Tuoiohi Dillon, DuMont 95-7 FOURTH $4,600, mdn.fil.

9 Fov Idol. Brawn 2-1 1 Cemish law. Martin 3-1 3 In senate, Montoya 7-2 2 Miss Mirobal, No rtdar 5-1 4 Second Frits, Keller 5-1 4 Spring Rhythm, Wegner B-l FIFTH $2,900. mdn.f4m. dg 35-30, 4 fur.

1 Impetuous lever. Brown 3-1 7 lady Gumbo. Uoyd 4-1 10 Need. Rico 5-1 11 Aldsboren, Cohen 6-1 2 Mom's Banco, Raws B-l 12 Kotono, co*ke B-l 9 Shady Jody, Appleby 10-1 Red Bee. Montoya 12-1 4 Very Easy Effort, fstevas 15-1 5 Balmy Gama, Wagner 20-1 4 Trader Kim, Cake 20-1 3 Oel Mot's Pride, Pooonoki 20-1 13 a Impatient Imp.

Brown 5-1 SIXTH $3,300, flmTiyoBup, dg, 32-30, 6 fur 4 Hawaii Rush, Gross 3-1 I Mile Ruby. Rice 51 3 Bit O'Bug, Esptnesa 5-1 5 Mystic Claim. Keller 5-1 4 like Her Mom. Estevet B-l SEVENTH 55,100 3yeBup, 4 Mister Rosen, Kallar 3-1 7 lord Rupert, lloyd 4-1 I Varsity Mon. No rldor 5-1 3 Naked Heed.

Montoya 6-1 3 Bosk Suck, Wegner 6-1 Jock Quick, lucero B-l 4 Tony Tike. Brown 12-1 9 New Settler, AvUee 12-1 EIGHTH dg. $5,000, 6 5 Pistol Ridge, Appleby 6 Hera's Hopeful. Colton 4-1 10 Charter Rights, Figgins 5-1 1 Freedoms rlome, Rka 51 9 Bonsvslnte, Aviles 0-1 See More Montoya B-l 7 Egomania. Thomas 10-1 5 Red Manifesto.

Grot, 12-1 4 Chorda's Bow. Brown 15-1 2 Nervous ToriUo. Wagner 15-1 NINTH tt.M0.4yoikip.cleU.S00.S fur SEVENTH 51,400. Claiming Face Cheryl Grafton, Messenger 4-3-5 Voltont Sr, Vo noli 2 7-2 4-1 9-2 91 Test, GroH 7-75 91 4 Danovof. Foretori 759 191 Beemei Bow, Rodno 1-96 121 AE.

Marion Lear, Roman He linden SIXTH SI. 100. CD, Trof. 4 Morel Beoucoup, Maloney 92-7 lonza'tSong, Lamport. 25-3 Jimmy Field 3-7-3 Armbro Miami, Wosiluk 955 Copy.

Hughes Jr. 559 Carlisle's Flame, No Driver 2-7-7 91 Soma Option, Rotti 2-39 191 Sky, Rodno 395 12-1 92 91 7-2 92 91 5-1 7 2 I0 3-1 4-1 5-7-1 B-l 5-- 4-2-t a-1 Jilty Jilly Byrd, Special Baby. Ingrossie. HMC, Sontoromo lord Sogtnorius, FOime KP, Gllmour Kl Chance. Chellls EIGHTH lco Bum Away, Fhiliips Mighty Fata.

Fils HI Precious Filly, Oeckar Mory Skipper. Gllmour JOt Kelly. Burton. Avon Bontry, Foa lighting O'Brian. 7-5-2 6-1 3-2-1 3-1 iiti 10-1 l-t-B 9-1 6-3-5 5-1 NINTH $3,290, Claiming Face.

iold Star, Gilmour 3-1-1 4-1 Oyrdock, Ckhes 55-2 3-1 Cordigo led. Ohio to no l-2-dnf 5-2 Kilburn lad, Morcoiltno 2-4-1 5-2 A Von, Patino 4-2-2 5-t Flocco Spazxto, Ricco Jr 2-2-3 5-1 Tompor5d Chuck, lovigno 10-1 Regal Balmont. Gllmour 1-7-2 101 I'i SEVENTH Clmg, Poca 4 Multi Doltor. Dawkins 1-3-1 2-1 3 Creedo Hoi, No Driver 39-7 3-1 2 Armbro Kty, Angle Jr. 49-5 7-2 7 Cyncher Dee, GroH 2-29 91 5 Arlenmite.

lewta Jr 399 91 6 Turner's Queen, MocedontoJr 59-5 91 I Repro Amazing, Williams 97-7 191 Coalman! Thorpe, Dalto 97-1 121 AE: Golden Trkk, Race Clipper EIGHTH 52,200, Clmg. Boca. 1 Esteem, Tucker 1-15 2 Volley Jerry, Dawson 2-29 6 Buckeye's Fride. lake 1-29 5 FvUo Captain. Salerno 1-1-2 3 Yank.

7 ModRt Qukk Morohn 4 Cop Houser, Borthwkk 92 91 4-1 8-2 91 91 NINTH 53.000. 4ye5vp, clg, $2.1 Stt Kir. 9 Track Gluck, co*ke II Trtfecte. Bokar 6 Bold Kevin, Figging 3-1 5-1 5-1 5-1 4-1 5-1 12-1 5-2 GREEN RIDGE GIRLS Brunettis defeated Convenient, as tori Lewis got the victory. Jill Murray, who Tbomered, and Ann Doherty "were three-time hitters for the winners.

Laura Nlcodem doubled for the losers. MID VALLEY Jessup Carbino beat Blakely, 15-2. Winner Tony Gambucd and BeRSleV OutrilllS Mike PisarsU both had three hits, including borne runt. Mark u61QUg Ag21Q Vitkua led the loser with two hits. 5-25 4-5-7 2-2-2 555 6-5-3 2-15 The distance was longer, General Ameri Sprint Multi-Rib Traction Tread A Full Range of Sizes General Steel Radial Two Steel Belts Polyester Cord Body Bold 5-Rib Tread NINTH 51.300, CO.

Boca 2 Alydour, Malady 3-1-3 2-1 6 lettdoil. Macedonia 79-10 3-1 Avon Heron, Ungar 919 4-1 1 Rykan. Dowson 929 5-1 9 'sJimbo, LobbotO ..5 3-1 61 4 Thotdes. Williams 92-2 1 5 Hi Ft Mon, ForokKi 979 10-1 7 Adalbert's Son. Kin 7-21 12-1 91 51 91 51 4 Errant Bey.

lloyd 51 12 Ounces Wdd, Grass 91 2 Marsh see. Wogner 12-1 10 Otattncrivo Sails. Kotenko 251 9 Brown Benena. Oolgodo 14-1 Fiery Ruler, Kotenko 251 7 Old Stubborn, Kpller ...251 3 Toshs Sole Tiger. Appleby .251 13 oe Chief*ke 91 oe-Alse eligible Sunday's Results FIRST $3,300, 4yeup, I ml.

Oft I 36. 29orfy Brook (lucero) 17.20 900 860 9Muffmon (Appleby) 5.20 3 00 7-Hov A Breok(Colten) 3.20 Nescrokhes Time 1:41. SECOND fBm, ByoBup, I mi.TOyds. Off 2.02. 7-ienceoloss (Istovex) 15.40 7.00 4.20 O-Grope Delight (Aviles) 4.00 3 00 2 $0 Whitewalls the race was closer, but the result was the same.

For the second year In a row. Beasley Reece, the self-proclaimed fastest man in the NFL, defeated the winless eight year-old gelding Super Kris in a match race at Monticello Raceway Sunday. Reece, the fifth year alia (Kalla,) Na scrotchas, Tima I 42 1 tBedelio (Keller) DAILY DOUBLE (2-7) Pod 1 153.60 EXACTA (79) Fad 977.40 THIRD 53,000, 4yo4up. 6 fur. OH 2.29.

2-Spring ledge defensive back for the New IS a.o 3-Fote Leo (lucero) 4.20 No stokhos. Time 112 2. EXACTA (29) Paid 567 40 FOURTH $6,500, ByoBup. I ml. Off 2.54.

2-Mr. DFO.IJ. Uoyd) 3.80 2 60 2 20 l9oirle O'Beeto (Avilas) 3.30 2 20 9Kingbird (Colton) 3.00 No scratches. Tima 1 35 2. EXACTA (2-l)Faid3l2 60 FIFTH $4,100, img.

4yaBup, I ml 70yds OH 3:23. 99kh Han BLAKELY-PECKVILLK -Mister Wholesale beat Grande Plumbing, 21-16. Loretta InziJIo, Karen Kocbts, Debbie Moschowsky and Cathy Demchak and Lisa Hevran all bad four bits for the winner. Heide Jackson bomered and Susie Palickar had three hits for the loser. BLAKELY-PECKVUXE -Mid Valley Plumbing defeated Dom York, 21-lt.

Winning pitcher Jennifer Kosakevitch and Sue Serafinl, who homered, bad three hits. Doreen Jackson homered (or the losers. York Giants, defeated the pacer by a length and a half, covering the 165 yard sprint In 17.3 seconds. Super Kris broke stride immediately after the start of the race, and was unable to close the early lead attained by Reece. Last year, Reece defeated Super Kris by 14 lengths in a 100-yard sprint.

Asked for his comments after naxcu wi uu vuiiiiiicuw auci General in America since 1915 34.40 12.40 9.40 Ambtorii' Delight (Espinosa) S-Now Croatian (Wt No scratches. Tims 340 5.40 mar) 1.43.2. TENTH $1,200, Clmg. Baca. 3 Tidal Wave Foschrte 6 Artie Almohursl Gower Jr 91-2 4 Georgia Cram.

Green 191 2 Bradley Bond Bum, Mowrod 4-1-7 I Seme leader, Kris 997 8 Step Rite Up, Hughes Jr 7. 729 151 8 Robe's Star Rhythm. Weed 779 121 7 2 April Knight. SheganenjT 918 191 Af: Calculated Chance. Cheeseburger.

AC Also Eligible Pritchyk Winner In Super Pro NUMIDIA Old Forges Steve Pritchyk took first place in the Super Pro Bracket at Numidla Dragway Sunday with an elapsed time of 1.29 at 146.10 miles per hour. Carbondalea Carl Brucher won second round money in the same bracket with aa ET of 9.41 at 143.76 mph. In the Pro Bracket Scrantons Larry Golob took second place with an ET of 11.42 at UU2 mph. Old Forges Art Fahey and Scrantons Larry Belluccl won second round money in that bracket. Fahey bad an ET of 11.13 at 122.11 mph while Bellucci posted an ET of 11.23 at 119.04 mph.

i Wardmen Win 20th Ward Club posted a 6-4 win over First State Bank in the Scranton Softball League-Sunday. Five players had two hits each for 20th Ward (11-3) and Dave Ceccacct homered for the bank (8-6). Fred Kerner got the win. Front Wheel Alignment Our Car-Care Specialists: Adjust caster, camber, steering, toe-settings Road test your car. TRtPlf (9-4-5) 53 Ticket Ford $945 90 SIXTH $5,300, the race.

Super Kris owner Tom Parcase said, What did you uo25. expect, Niatross. Reece, who has now proved his dominane over Super Kris, said there are no plans for another such match race in the Immediate future. (J lloyd) 4.40 9Unarring Charge (Keller) 4-Court Judgement (Brown) No scratches Time I 45. QCJINIELA 1151 Paid 530 90 SEVENTH 17,300, 3ye4up, I ml.

Off 4 16. 9Confert (Aviles) 2 60 2 40 2 20 1 -Precious Pocho (Colton) 3. BO 2 00 S9orrow lloyd) 3.00 No scrotchas. Time 1 36. MAR-JON GOLF COURSE NOW OPEN T-Nsts lag fatten 3)44 fords Locstad One Mils Fell Eilriscs Is Senates Mssl ss (sms IB NORMAN NAMMCR FGA FRO.

NEW OPERATOR This week only! 8995 Strut Replacement Cartridges Bor import cars with MecPherson Strut Suspension Systems Completely self-contained and factory calibrated A product gt Moore Auto Equipment Company MOST CARS VsPPsy This week only! 6)475 Save Phone Aheidl Adjustments to menufecturer't specifications Additional parts ndot service cost evtre Most cars, many import ears and light trucks to Ik ton "Save Phone Ahead! QUiNItlA (19) Paid 51 1 40 EIGHTH 55.900. ByoBup. 6 fur. OH 4 48 3-Meeicol Rulloh (Boker) 10 60 9 60 2 00 B-Corl Bernstein (Wegner) 540 2 BO 7-Twke Rich (lievd) 2 40 Nescrokhes NINTH 55.600. ByoBup, 5 fur.

OH 1 -Sid's Bill (lucero) 4.40 2 40 2 20 9 John Bumey (lloyd) 2.D0 2 40 2-Argent Sonnortt (Thomas) 4.00 No scratches. Time 57 4. LATE DOUBLE 2-11 Poidi23 BO EXACTA (19) Paid $9 60 HEEDCOXTINirOUSOR im NCR or CARBON SCRANTON PRINTING CO. PHONE 347-9474 SMALL OR LARGE QUANTITIES UP TO 12 PARIS inn llir I rvn for Ox Ml I Charge It at General Wa alto honor: dim Cwd Olmri CM -VISA -AlMrtcMEipM, want you ongoodtarm. GENERAL TIRE SERVICE, Franklin Avt.

at Linden Scranton, P. Phone 346-2037 HOURS: 8:00 p.m. SAT. 8:00 d.m.l:00p.m ByoAup, I 116 TENTH 56.200, mi. OHS 41, 5 Foe Frmcs 17 20 10 BO 7 80 (Kunitoks) I Academic 9 (Beams -Rica) 5-Supar Wheat (Baker) No scrotchas.

Tima f. 3 20 4.00 Sooner or later, youll own Generals TRIPLE 0-3-5) 53 Tkhql Fad 51328 40 Attandonca 3.BBB Hordls 5622,342.

The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)


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