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L'ultimo bacio
Directed by Gabriele Muccino
Love. Sex. Surrender.
Giulia and Carlo have been happy together for three years, but Giulia's announcement that she is pregnant sends him into a secret panic. Terrified at his imminent entry into the adult world of irreversible responsibilities, Carlo finds himself tempted by a bewitching 18-year-old girl, Francesca, whom he meets by chance at a wedding. The possibility of one last youthful crazy fling before the impending prison of parenthood proves to be too attractive to resist.
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- Cast
- Crew
- Details
- Genres
- Releases
Stefano Accorsi Giovanna Mezzogiorno Stefania Sandrelli Martina Stella Claudio Santamaria Giorgio Pasotti Marco Cocci Pierfrancesco Favino Sabrina Impacciatore Regina Orioli Susanna Javicoli Vittorio Amandola Daniela Piazza Lina Bernardi Ines Nobili Piero Natoli Luigi Diberti Sergio Castellitto Giulia Carmignani Giulia Louise Steigerwalt Silvio Muccino Elisabetta Rocchetti Vanessa Sampaolesi Bianca Cherici Federico Zanchini Nino D'Agata Federica Trucchia Bruna Rossi Alberto Alemanno Show All…
Gabriele Muccino
Domenico Procacci
Gabriele Muccino
Gabriele Muccino
Francesco Vedovati
Claudio Di Mauro
Marcello Montarsi
Assistant DirectorsAsst. Directors
Francesco Vedovati Laura Muccino
Camera OperatorCamera Operator
Sandro De Pascalis
Production DesignProduction Design
Eugenia F. Di Napoli
Paolo Buonvino
Gaetano Carito
Costume DesignCostume Design
Nicoletta Ercole
Alternative Titles
One Last Kiss, Ein letzter Kuss, Juste un baiser, O Último Beijo, El último beso, Az utolsó csók, 라스트 키스, 最后一吻, უკანასკნელი კოცნა, 最後のキス, L’últim petó, Sista kyssen, Ultimul sărut
Drama Romance Comedy
Moving relationship stories Passion and romance Emotional teen coming-of-age stories Touching and sentimental family stories Erotic relationships and desire Heartbreaking and moving family drama Show All…
Releases by Date
- Date
- Country
01 Feb 2001
- ItalyT
02 Aug 2002
06 Nov 2002
- FranceU
Releases by Country
- Date
- Country
06 Nov 2002
- TheatricalU
01 Feb 2001
- TheatricalT
02 Aug 2002
- TheatricalR
115mins More atIMDbTMDb Report this page
Popular reviews
Review by Macasta ★½ 1
Aldilà di tutto, ma quanto fanno incazzare tutti quei dialoghi con voce sussurata e con sotto la base tre volte più forte. Va bene che non sentire i dialoghi salvaguarda la salute di chi sente però ormai che ci sono vorrei farmi del male fino in fondo.
Review by Alessandro ★½
Se mi tradisci ti uccido
I film di Muccino sono famosi per essere una merda, ma sinceramente non pensavo fino a questo punto
I dialoghi sono zeppi di frasi fatte, la sceneggiatura sembra scritta dalle scimmie e Stefania Sandrelli interpreta il suo peggior personaggio che io abbia mai visto
Muccino fa sembrare le donne come tutte pazze isteriche e palle al piede e i poveri maschietti come insoddisfatti della vita alla ricerca della giovinezza: da entrambe le parti, borghesini del cazzo senza neanche un minimo di profondità
Ad un certo punto ho sperato che al personaggio di Stefano Accorsi venisse qualcosa mentre urlava come un disperato, che Martina Stella venisse investita o che Giovanna Mezzogiorno uccidesse veramente il marito per averla tradita: il tutto avrebbe reso sicuramente il film più avvicente -
Review by Xebeche ★★
The Last Kiss is like a bad Judd Apatow movie made with extremely pretty Italian people. It has lots of big comedic "types" but no jokes.
Our main character, Carlo, is the worst. His girlfriend is pregant and he's feeling jittery. He and his boys stomp around at night and talk about how adult responsibility is sucking away the meaning of life. This movie is a solid reminder that all women are emotional and overbearing and all men are inept at growing up. Every damn one of them is like "Man, what happened?! Marriage? Children? I can't live like this!" They all suck, but Carlo is the worst. He develops an infatuation with an…
Review by Martin Velev ★★★
Lawless, yet captivating, The Last Kiss serves you an Italian tumult with bitterly honest love talk on the side.
Review by Vana ½
Muccino andrebbe processato per crimini di guerra
Review by Yaaass ★
Ma perché ansimano tutti così tanto?
Review by Ricca ★★★½
Martina Stella: Ci se' già staho sulla 'apanna? -
Review by svagato ★
is this straight pride
Review by Edgar Cochran ✝️ ★½ 7
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
NO, NO, NO NO NO NOOOO!!! What a repulsive, sickening, superficial, false, clichéd, overacted, horribly written, awfully paced and immature film. Are we supposed to swallow at the end not only a marriage that was built on lies, but also that now it is the turn's wife to cheat? He never deserved forgiveness. The fact that he "grew up" and learned the importance of faithfulness, and her daughter being the most beautiful girl she had ever seen because she resembled her wife and all of that unbelievable and far-fetched affirmations, goes beyond any possible belief.
Welcome to a roller-coaster full of exaggerated emotions, irrationality, non-existent humor and a set of Italian moral values which claims that:
- Having sex with…
Review by ndrja ★★ 2
Muccino ha osato tracotantemente autodichiarsi l'erede di Scola
Peccato che la sua eredità consista unicamente nella Sandrelli -
Review by Margherita Montali ★★
Mai riuscita a dormire così in fretta e così bene, grazie Gabriele!
Review by ZiaEmma ★
Grande interpretazione di Stefano Accorsi che fa Kevin Spacey
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