(ENG) Level Up 5a Ed. - Trials and Treasures - Flip eBook Pages 201-250 (2024)

199 Chapter 7: Adventuring Rewards TABLE: 100 GOLD GEMSTONES D8 GEMSTONE DESCRIPTION 1 Amber Translucent yellow-orange, made of fossilized tree resin 2 Amethyst Transparent purple 3 Coral Opaque red, made of polished sea coral 4 Garnet Usually transparent red, but other colors are possible 5 Jade Translucent green 6 Jet Opaque black, made of fossilized wood 7 Pearl Opaque white, or very rarely black, produced by oysters and similar creatures 8 Tourmaline Transparent, nearly any color TABLE: 500 GOLD GEMSTONES D4 GEMSTONE DESCRIPTION 1 Aquamarine Transparent pale blue 2 Peridot Transparent green or olive 3 Spinel Transparent red, blue, purple, or pink 4 Topaz Transparent, any color but most often yellow to red TABLE: 1,000 GOLD GEMSTONES D6 GEMSTONE DESCRIPTION 1–2 Opal Transparent, iridescent, many colors including white, black, blue, red, and green 3–4 Sapphire Transparent and usually blue, but can be green, pink, yellow, or purple (star sapphires have white star-shaped inclusions) 5–6 Emerald Transparent green TABLE: 10 GOLD GEMSTONES D6 GEMSTONE DESCRIPTION 1 Agate Usually translucent green, brown, and yellow (fire agate is iridescent) 2 Lapis lazuli Deep blue, sometimes flecked with gold 3 Malachite Opaque, mottled green, often found in copper deposits 4 Obsidian Opaque black, produced from lava 5 Quartz Usually clear or subtly colored and transparent (rose quartz is light pink) 6 Turquoise Opaque, blue-green TABLE: 50 GOLD GEMSTONES D6 GEMSTONE DESCRIPTION 1 Bloodstone Opaque, dark green stone with blood-red spots 2 Carnelian Opaque orange, red, or brown 3 Citrine Transparent yellow or orange 4 Jasper Opaque, sometimes banded, often green or brown 5 Moonstone Translucent bluish-white 6 Onyx Opaque black or white

Trials & Treasures 200 TABLE: 5,000 GOLD GEMSTONES D6 GEMSTONE DESCRIPTION 1–2 Diamond Transparent and clear (the most prized diamonds have no visible inclusions or flaws) 3–4 Jacinth Transparent red-orange 5–6 Ruby Transparent red (star rubies have white star-shaped inclusions) ABLE: 25 GOLD VALUABLES D12 VALUABLES EXAMPLES 1 Arms and armor Rapier or shortbow 2 Artwork Competent portrait or tavern sign 3 Bracelet Bronze torque or silver bangle 4 Clothing Fine fur-trimmed cloak or floppy feathered hat 5 Earrings Silver and malachite pendants or tiny gold skulls 6 Equipment A dulcimer or navigator’s tools 7 Useful object Copper pot, silver hatpin, or nonmagical crystal ball 8 Ring Copper and garnet ring or plain gold band 9 Statuary Painted wooden knight or stone elephant statuette 10 Trade goods Bolt of cloth or 7 pounds of cloves 11 Vial of liquid Acid or holy water 12 Writing Ordinary book or local map Valuables Valuables include jewelry, equipment, art, and other objects, and can come in nearly limitless varieties. Each of the following tables contains some examples. Of all forms of treasure, valuables are the most useful for showing the characteristics and history of a treasure hoard or its owner. These may include items that point the way to further adventures, like letters and treasure maps. TABLE: 75 GOLD VALUABLES d12 Valuables Examples 1 Ring Gold band set with a moonstone or lion-headed gold ring 2 Bracelet Electrum chain or silver and obsidian band 3 Earrings Chalcedony pendants or small gold or silver studs 4 Necklace Gold locket or thick silver chain 5 Clothing Stylish cap or gloves 6 Statuary Marble figurine or pair of bronze dragon bookends 7 Artwork Watercolors or worn tapestry of rare plants 8 Trade goods 5 pounds of saffron or fifteen 1-pound silver bars 9 Arms and armor Concealable boot dagger or silver-hilted longsword 10 Useful object Gold-framed mirror, silver and quartz chalice, or silver snuff box 11 Writing Bestiary or map of a distant land 12 Vial of liquid Antitoxin or medicinal salve

201 Chapter 7: Adventuring Rewards TABLE: 250 GOLD VALUABLES D12 VALUABLES EXAMPLES 1 Ring Mithral band or pearl solitaire 2 Bracelet Gold armlet or silver and pearl bracelet 3 Earrings Gold hoops or pearl pendants 4 Necklace Dragontooth necklace or fine gold chain hung with gold leaves 5 Clothing Pointy-toed shoes or a stylish silk doublet 6 Statuary Marble bust or small silver idol 7 Artwork Excellent portrait of a famous person or fine tapestry 8 Trade goods 5 grams of diamond dust or five 1-pound gold bars 9 Arms and armor Gold-hilted sword or silver helmet 10 Useful object Set of gold buttons, silver ewer, or silver jewelry box 11 Writing Rare book or treasure map which leads to the discovery of a rare spell of at least 2nd-level 12 Vial of liquid Faerie dragon euphoria gas (acts as the breath weapon if inhaled) or shadow elf poison (200 gp) TABLE: 750 GOLD VALUABLES D12 VALUABLES EXAMPLES 1 Ring Black pearl nose ring or peridot ring carved with a family crest 2 Bracelet Gold bangle or platinum chain 3 Earrings Dangling platinum earrings or white and black pearl pendants 4 Necklace Coral bead necklace or thick gold chain 5 Regalia Gold tiara or silver scepter 6 Clothing Gold-buckled belt or high fashion hat 7 Statuary Gold idol or jade statuette 8 Artwork Gold-threaded tapestry or masterpiece painting 9 Trade goods Bolt of fine silk or 1-pound mithral bar 10 Arms and armor Gold-handled sword stick (acts as rapier) or half plate 11 Useful object Gold ewer, gold harp, or gold incense burner 12 Vial of liquid Two doses oil of taggit (400 gp each) or pale tincture (650 gp)

Trials & Treasures 202 Magic Item Tables When generating treasure hoards, use the following tables to randomly choose a magic item. The items in these tables are described in Chapter 8: Enchanted Gear. The Narrator can customize magical treasure by choosing items instead of rolling randomly or by using items from other sources. An adventure — whether published or invented by the Narrator — may also feature unique magic items like a +1 weapon with a power related to the events of the adventure, or mysterious magical objects with which the adventurers can interact (such as a magic door that opens when a riddle is answered). Expendable Magic Items. The first three magic item tables consist of expendable items like TABLE: 2,500 GOLD VALUABLES D10 VALUABLES EXAMPLES 1 Ring Gold band set with a single emerald or with a dozen tiny opals 2 Earrings Blue or yellow sapphire earrings 3 Necklace Ruby pendant or string of pearls 4 Clothing Royal dress or robe 5 Statuary Figurine carved from emerald or gold idol 6 Useful object Gem-studded gold goblet, gold jewelry box, or fine mithral-inlaid lute 7 Regalia Platinum orb or silver and topaz crown 8 Vial of liquid Purple worm poison (2,000 gp) or two doses of wyvern poison (1,250 gp each) 9 Writing Undiscovered masterpiece play or deed to a fort 10 Arms and armor Ceremonial gold-etched full plate or royal greatsword with gem-studded hilt TABLE: 7,500 GOLD VALUABLES D8 VALUABLES EXAMPLES 1 Ring Diamond solitaire or ruby and platinum ring 2 Earrings Diamond studs or platinum and black sapphire earrings 3 Necklace Flawless jacinth pendant or string of black pearls 4 Statuary Life-sized silver statue or platinum statuette 5 Useful object Bloodstone and jade chess set, gold and ruby warhorn, or gold bejeweled ewer 6 Regalia Gemmed gold crown or gold scepter 7 Writing Full royal pardon for one unspecified crime or legendary tome of magical theory which leads to the discovery of a rare spell of at least 5th-level 8 Trade goods 8-pound adamantine meteorite or ore of some exotic metal from a different plane (examples: cloudsilver, efreeti brass, glassteel)

203 Chapter 7: Adventuring Rewards TABLE: 25,000 GOLD VALUABLES D6 VALUABLES EXAMPLES 1 Necklace Necklace of rubies or diamonds 2 Jewelry Adamantine mask or platinum armlet studded with jacinths 3 Statuary Gold statuette with ruby eyes or life-sized masterpiece bronze statue 4 Regalia Gemmed gold breastplate or mithral crown 5 Useful object Black dragon egg, mithral and gold chest with a masterwork lock, or portable door which opens to a permanent demiplane 6 Writing Bank note for 25,000 gp from a bank in a major city, map that leads to a fabled treasure, mythical city, or the discover of a rare spell of at least 8th-level potions and scrolls, with Table: Magic Items #1 most suitable for beginning adventurers, Table: Magic Items #2 for mid-level parties, and Table: Magic Items #3 for high-level PCs. Enchanted Trinkets. Table: Magic Items #4 consists of magical trinkets, which are minor items which can be given freely to characters without upsetting game balance. Permanent Magic Items. Table: Magic Items #5–#10 are composed of successively more powerful permanent items. Items on Table: Magic Items #5 are appropriate for 1st level adventurers, while items on Table: Magic Items #10 are most often earned only with great difficulty by the highest-level characters. When a roll on a treasure table calls for 3 or more expendable items, the items are often of the same type. For example, a result of 3 items on Table: Magic Items #1 might be 3 potions of healing or 3 spell scrolls which each contain a different spell. Note that magic items marked with a C are cursed. Rare Spells as Treasure Whenever adventurers find a spell scroll, there’s a 50% chance they discover a rare version of a spell. During the course of adventuring from 1st to 20th level, the average party should find around 1 rare spell scroll per spellcaster. TABLE: MAGIC ITEMS #1 D100 MAGIC ITEM 1–10 +1 ammunition 11–12 Dust of disappearance 13–14 Dust of dryness 15–16 Dust of sneezing and choking 17–20 Elemental gem 21–22 Fizzy lifter 23–24 Oil of slipperiness 25–26 Philter of love 27–28 Potion of animal friendship 29–30 Potion of climbing 31–32 Potion of giant strength (hill giant) 33–34 Potion of growth 35–63 Potion of healing 64–65 Potion of poison 66–67 Potion of resistance 68–69 Potion of water breathing 70–71 Pumpkin bomb 72–75 Restorative ointment 76–77 Skull liqueur 78–82 Spell scroll (cantrip) 83–87 Spell scroll (1st-level) 88–92 Spell scroll (2nd-level) 93–97 Spell scroll (3rd-level) 98–100 Vial of beauty

Trials & Treasures 204 TABLE: MAGIC ITEMS #2 D100 MAGIC ITEM 1–10 +2 ammunition 11–12 Bag of beans 13–14 Chime of opening 15–24 Feather token 25–26 Necklace of fireballs 27–28 Oil of etherealness 29–30 Potion of clairvoyance 31–32 Potion of diminution 33–34 Potion of gaseous form 35–36 Potion of giant strength (frost giant) 37–38 Potion of giant strength (stone giant) 39–58 Potion of greater healing 59–60 Potion of heroism 61–70 Potion of mind reading 71–85 Potion of superior healing 86–90 Spell scroll (4th-level) 91–95 Spell scroll (5th-level) 96–100 Spell scroll (6th-level) TABLE: MAGIC ITEMS #3 D100 MAGIC ITEM 1–10 +3 ammunition 11–15 Arrow of slaying 16–18 Bead of force 19–22 Candle of invocation 23–25 Liquid luck 26–28 Marvelous pigments 29–32 Oil of sharpness 33–36 Potion of flying 37–40 Potion of giant strength (cloud) 41–44 Potion of giant strength (storm) 44–48 Potion of invisibility 49–52 Potion of speed 53–77 Potion of supreme healing 78–81 Sovereign glue 82–86 Spell scroll (7th-level) 87–91 Spell scroll (8th-level) 92–96 Spell scroll (9th-level) 97–100 Universal solvent TABLE: MAGIC ITEMS #4 D100 MAGIC ITEM 1 Aerodite the Autumn Queen’s true name 2 Alliance rings 3 Amber wings 4 Amulet of the pleasing bouquet 5 Anthology of Enhanced Radiance 6 Archaic creedC 7 Atlas to libation 8 Badge of seasons 9 Bag of cheese 10 Barbed devil’s bracelet 11 Barrow bread 12 Birdsong whistle 13 Blackbird pie 14 Borrower’s bookmarkC 15 Box of bees 16 Bubble wand

205 Chapter 7: Adventuring Rewards 17 Cage of folly 18 Candle of the surreptitious scholar 19 Charcoal stick of aversion 20 Clockwork calendar 21 Compendium of many colors 22 Confidante’s journal 23 Contract of indentured service 24 Culdarath the Ninth Ring’s true name 25 Draconic dioramaC 26 Dreamscrying bowl 27 Enchanted music sheet 28 Essay on efficient armor management 29 Ever-shifting map 30 Explorer’s chalk 31 Faerie love letter 32 Family scrapbook 33 Fathomer’s ring 34 Finder gremlin 35 Fizzy rocks 36 Flask of inebriation 37 Focusing eye 38 Friendly joybuzzer 39 Gallow hand 40 Glass ring 41 Glasses of rodentius 42 Gossip earring 43 Hat of grand entrances 44 Humour realignment transfiguration 45 Hungry quasit 46 Inkpot of the thrifty apprentice 47 Inspiring pahu 48 Ivory knights 49 Jade tiger 50 Jarred brain 51 Legerdemain gloves 52 Library scar 53 Listening quills 54 Lockpicks of memory 55 Lucky halfling foot 56 Marble of direction 57 Maternal cameo 58 Message whistle 59 Meteorological map 60 Midnight pearls 61 Mourning medallion 62 Mug of warming 63 Oil of cosmetic enhancement 64 Opera-goer’s guise 65 Organizer gremlin 66 Paramour’s daisy 67 Perdita Ravenwing’s true name 68 Perfect disguise 69 Perfume vile 70 Plague doctor’s mask 71 Preserved imp’s head 72 Prismatic gown 73 Protean needlepoint 74 Quick canoe paddle 75 Sack of sacks 76 Satyr boots 77 Scrap of forbidden textC 78 Seafarer’s quill 79 Second-light lantern 80 Security gremlin 81 Seven-sided coin 82 Shoulder dragon brooch 83 Sinner’s ashes 84 Skeleton key 85 Snake-eye bones 86 Stick awl 87 Tailored suit of armor 88 That Which Spies From Infinity’s true name 89 Timekeeper gremlin 90 Tome of the Endless Tale 91 Tome of Triumphant Tavern Keeping 92 Tools of the hidden hand 93 True weight gloves

Trials & Treasures 206 94 Unliving runeC 95 Wand of cobwebs 96 Wand of the scribe 97 Waystone 98 Wig of styling 99 Wood woad amulet 100 Zlick’s message cushion TABLE: MAGIC ITEMS #5 D100 MAGIC ITEM 1 Air charmC 2–15 Bag of holding 16 Bag of tricks (blue) 17 Bag of tricks (gray) 18 Bag of tricks (green) 19 Bag of tricks (rust) 20 Bag of tricks (tan) 21 Bead of tracking 22 Book of storing 23–25 Boots of elvenkind 26 Boots of striding and springing 27 Boots of the winterlands 28 Bottle of fizz 29 Box of party tricks 30 Bracers of archery 31–33 +1 breastplate 34 Brooch of shielding 35 Cantrip wand 36–38 +1 chain shirt 39 Circlet of blasting 40 Cloak of the manta ray 41 +1 cloth brigandine 42 Cunning tools 43 Decanter of endless water 44 Describing gremlins 45 Efficient quiver 46 Eversmoking bottle 47 Eyes of charming 48 Eyes of minute seeing 49 Eyes of the eagle 50–52 Gauntlets of ogre power 53 Glamoured padded leather 54 Glove of swift return 55 Gloves of missile snaring 56 Gloves of swimming and climbing 57 Gremlin translator 58 Guide to Respecting Social Mores 59–61 Hat of disguise 62 +1 hauberk 63 Helm of comprehending languages 64 +1 hide 65 Ice riders 66 Immovable rod 67 Ironweed rope (50 feet) 68 +1 leather brigandine 69 Luminescent gum 70 Magic mirror (pocket) 71 Medallion of thoughts 72 Message stones 73 Necklace of adaptation 74 +1 padded cloth 75 +1 padded leather 76–78 Pearl of power 79 Periapt of health 80 Periapt of wound closure 81 Pipes of the sewers 82 Portraiture gremlin 83 Quiver of the hunt 84 Ring of jumping 85 Ring of swimming 86 Robe of useful items 87–88 +1 scale mail 89 Spindle of spinning 90 Stone of good luck (luckstone) 91 Vicious weapon 92 Wand of magic detection 93 Wand of secrets 94–99 Wand of the war mage +1 100 Wind fan

207 Chapter 7: Adventuring Rewards TABLE: MAGIC ITEMS #6 D100 MAGIC ITEM 1–9 Armor of resistance 10 Berserker axeC 11 Boots of levitation 12–13 +2 chain shirt 14–17 Cloak of elvenkind 18–22 Cloak of protection 23 +2 cloth brigandine 24 Death’s essence pendant 25 Deck of illusions 26 Earth charmC 27 Elemental quiver 28 Figurine of shared affliction 29 Figurine of wondrous power (silver raven) 30 Fire charmC 31 Gem of brightness 32 Goggles of night 33–34 Headband of intellect 35 Helm of telepathy 36 +2 hide 37 Horn of valhalla (silver) 38 Instrument of irresistible symphonies 39 Ioun stone (protection) 40 Ioun stone (reserve) 41 Ioun stone (sustenance) 42 Iron bands of binding 43–45 Javelin of lightning 46 +2 padded cloth 47 Periapt of proof against poison 48 Pipes of haunting 49 Ring of mind shielding 50–54 Ring of protection 55–57 Ring of resistance 58 Ring of warmth 59 Ring of water walking 60 Rope of climbing 61 Seeds of necessity 62–67 +1 shield 68 Slippers of spider climbing 69 Spellcasting symphony (harp of harmony) 70 Spirit lantern 71–72 Staff of the python 73 Trident of fish command 74 Wand of elocution 75 Wand of erudition 76–78 Wand of magic missiles 79 Water charmC 80–100 +1 weapon

Trials & Treasures 208 TABLE: MAGIC ITEMS #7 D100 MAGIC ITEM 1 Armor of vulnerabilityC 2 Assassin’s ring 3 Assembling armor 4–5 Belt of hill giant strength 6–8 Boots of speed 9 Bowl of commanding water elementals 10 Bracers of defense 11 Brazier of commanding fire elementals 12–13 +2 breastplate 14 Broom of flying 15–17 Cape of the mountebank 18 Censer of controlling air elementals 19 +3 chain shirt 20 +3 cloth brigandine 21 Cord of spirit stealing 22 Dagger of venom 23 Devil’s eye ring 24 Dimensional shackles 25 Fellow candlestick 26 Gauntlets of summer 27–28 +1 half plate 29–38 Handy haversack 39 +2 hauberk 40 +3 hide 41 Lantern of revealing 42 +2 leather brigandine 43 Magic mirror (handheld) 44 Necklace of prayer beads 45 Orb of chaotic assault 46 Orb of the dragon breaker 47 Osseous plate 48 Osseous warhammer 49 +3 padded cloth 50 +2 padded leather 51 Poisoner’s almanac 52 Quiver of the endless hunt 53 Ring of animal influence 54 Ring of evasion 55 Ring of feather falling 56 Ring of free action 57 Ring of x-ray vision 58 Robe of eyes 59 Rope of entanglement 60 Rose of the enchantress 61 +2 scale mail 62–64 Schooled weapon 65 Sea witch’s amulet 66 Spellcasting symphony (defending drum) 67 +1 splint 68 Survivor’s cloak 69 Sword of life stealing 70 Wand of enemy detection 71 Wand of paralysis 72–76 Wand of the war mage +2 77–79 Wand of web 80–98 +2 weapon 99 Winged boots 100 Wings of flying TABLE: MAGIC ITEMS #8 D100 MAGIC ITEM 1 Aegis of the eternal moon 2 Amulet of health 3 Amulet of proof against detection and location 4 Angel eyes 5–6 Animated shield 7 Arrow-catching shield 8 Belt of dwarvenkind 9 Cloak of displacement 10 Cloak of the bat 11 Cloak of the shadowcaster

209 Chapter 7: Adventuring Rewards 12 Cube of force 13 Demon armor C 14 Echo force 15–16 Elven chain 17 Figurine of wondrous power (bronze griffin) 18 Figurine of wondrous power (ebony fly) 19 Figurine of wondrous power (golden lions) 20 Figurine of wondrous power (ivory goats) 21 Figurine of wondrous power (marble elephant) 22 Figurine of wondrous power (onyx dog) 23 Figurine of wondrous power (serpentine owl) 24–26 Flame tongue 27 Flicker dagger 28 Folding boat 29–30 +1 full plate 31 Gem of seeing 32–34 Giant slayer 35 +3 hauberk 36 Horn of blasting 37 Horn of valhalla (brass) 38 Horseshoes of speed 39 Impossible cube 40 Mace of disruption 41 Mace of smiting 42 Mace of terror 43 Madam yolanda’s prison 44 Mantle of spell resistance 45 Mask of the white stag 46 Necklace of hunger C 47–49 Oathbow 50–61 Portable hole 62 Pouch of emergency healing 63 Red cloak of riding 64–66 Ring of spell storing 67 Rod of rulership 68–70 Scimitar of speed 71–76 +2 shield 77 Shield of missile attractionC 78 Spellcasting symphony (triangle of terror) 79 +2 splint 80 Staff of charming 81 Staff of gravity bending 82 Staff of healing 83 Staff of swarming insects 84 Staff of the web-tender 85 Staff of the woodlands 86 Staff of withering 87 Steelsilk mantle 88 Stone of controlling earth elementals 89–91 Sun blade 92 Sword of wounding 93 Wand of binding 94 Wand of fear 95–97 Wand of fireballs 98–99 Wand of lightning bolts 100 Wand of wonder TABLE: MAGIC ITEMS #9 D100 MAGIC ITEM 1 Absurdist web 2 Bag of devouring 3 Belt of fire giant strength 4–5 Belt of frost or stone giant strength 6–7 +3 breastplate 8 Carpet of flying (3 ft. × 5 ft.) 9 Carpet of flying (4 ft. × 6 ft.) 10 Celestial aegis 11 Cloak of arachnida 12 Dancing sword 13–15 Dragon scale mail 16–18 Dragon slayer 19 Dwarven plate 20 Dwarven thrower

Trials & Treasures 210 21 Efreeti bottle 22 Emperor’s blade 23 Figurine of wondrous power (obsidian steed) 24–26 Frost brand 27 Frost giant’s plate 28 Ghost metal axe 29 Goblin mask 30–31 +2 half plate 32 Hopeful slippers 33 Horn of valhalla (bronze) 34 Horseshoes of a zephyr 35 Infernal carapace 36 Instant fortress 37 Ioun stone (absorption) 38 Ioun stone (agility) 39 Ioun stone (awareness) 40 Ioun stone (greater absorption) 41 Ioun stone (insight) 42 Ioun stone (intellect) 43 Ioun stone (leadership) 44 Ioun stone (strength) 45–46 +3 leather brigandine 47 Magic mirror (wall) 48 Manual of Bodily Health 49 Manual of Gainful Exercise 50 Manual of Guardians 51 Manual of Quickness of Action 52 Mirror of life trapping 53 Nine lives stealer 54 Obsidian butterfly knife 55 +3 padded leather 56 Ring of shooting stars 57–58 Ring of telekinesis 59 Ring of the ram 60 Robe of scintillating colors 61 Rod of alertness 62 +3 scale mail 63 Sonic staff 64 Spellcasting symphony (flute of the wind) 65 Spellguard shield 66 Staff of fire 67 Staff of frost 68 Staff of striking 69 Staff of thunder and lightning 70–72 Sword of sharpness 73 Tyrant’s teeth 74 Vekeshi blade 75 Wand of polymorph 76–80 Wand of the war mage +3 81–100 +3 weapon

211 Chapter 7: Adventuring Rewards TABLE: MAGIC ITEMS #10 D100 MAGIC ITEM 1 Amulet of the planes 2 Apparatus of the crab 3 Armor of invulnerability 4 Belt of cloud giant strength 5 Belt of storm giant strength 6 Carpet of flying (5 ft. × 7 ft.) 7 Carpet of flying (6 ft. × 9 ft.) 8–12 Crystal ball 13 Cubic gate 14 Deck of many things 15–16 Defender 17 Dragonslaying lance 18 Excalibur 19 Excalibur’s scabbard 20 Eye of elsewhere 21–22 +3 half plate 23–24 +2 full plate 25 Grappling gun 26–27 +3 full plate 28–29 Hammer of thunderbolts 30 Harvest 31 Helm of brilliance (half charged) 32 Helm of brilliance (fully charged) 33 Helm of teleportation 34–36 Holy avenger 37 Horn of valhalla (iron) 38 How to Make Fiends and Influence People 39 Ioun stone (fortitude) 40 Ioun stone (mastery) 41 Ioun stone (regeneration) 42 Iron flask 43 Long fang of the moon 44–45 Luck blade 46 Mindrazor 47 Mirror shield 48 Orb of elsewhere 49 Plate armor of etherealness 50 Ring of djinni summoning 51 Ring of elemental command (air) 52 Ring of elemental command (earth) 53 Ring of elemental command (fire) 54 Ring of elemental command (water) 55–57 Ring of invisibility 58–59 Ring of regeneration 60 Ring of spell turning 61–62 Ring of three wishes 63 Robe of stars 64–65 Robe of the archmagi 66–67 Rod of absorption 68 Rod of lordly might 69 Rod of security 70 Scarab of protection 71–75 +3 shield 76 Skrivena MocC 77 Spellcasting symphony (lute of legends) 78 Sphere of annihilation 79 +3 splint 80–82 Staff of power 83–85 Staff of the magi 86 Star heartC 87 Talisman of pure good 88 Talisman of the sphere 89 Talisman of ultimate evil 90 The Traveling Chest 91 Tome of Clear Thought 92 Tome of Leadership and Influence 93 Tome of Understanding 94 Transforming cloak (gnome) 95 Transforming cloak (salamander) 96 Transforming cloak (sylph) 97 Transforming cloak (undine) 98 Vorpal sword 99 Warpblade 100 Well of many worlds

Trials & Treasures 212 Boons and Discoveries When the adventurers overcome a great obstacle or are triumphant in the face of a difficult struggle they deserve to be rewarded. Boons and discoveries are a different way for Narrators to reward the party, and although they sometimes result in coin or an enchanted trinket, their greater purpose is to make journeys all the more memorable. When the party gains a boon or discovery, the Narrator can invent one or roll 1d10 on the following table. Note that not all boons and discoveries are appropriate for all tiers of play, and the Narrator should reroll when a reward is too powerful (for a lower tier party) or insignificant (for higher tier adventurers). TABLE: BOONS AND DISCOVERIES D10 BOON 1 Animal: An animal accompanies the adventurers for the rest of this region. 2 Blessing: The adventurers receive divine or local favor. 3 Follower: The adventurers gain a temporary follower who aids them in some way. 4 Herbs and Medicinals: The adventurers find some rare herbs or medicinals. 5 Route: The adventurers discover a shortcut, reducing their journey time by 1 day (to a minimum of 1 day). 6 Secret: The adventurers learn some rare or secret information. 7 Shelter: The adventurers find a cave or other location which can be used as a haven. 8 Supply: The adventurers find Supply equal to 1d4 + 1 Supply per adventurer. 9 Treasure: These discoveries are either coins, valuables, or magic items. 10 Other: Roll on the Unusual Items table (page @@). Animal Animals which accompany the adventurers typically do so for as long as they remain in this region. The animal assists in combat, uses its senses and other abilities to aid the adventurers, and if large enough will allow the adventurers to use it as a mount. When bloodied, a boon animal flees. The Challenge Rating of the animal is based on the region’s tier. Select one animal appropriate to the environment, or one animal per adventurer from a lower tier. A boon animal does not generally possess intelligence greater than those of a regular animal of its type, but there is a 50% chance that an animal understands basic commands and engages in crude attempts at communication. Flying animals such as birds are especially good at warning adventurers of impending danger, and additionally grant advantage on ability checks made to avoid being surprised. The Narrator is encouraged to invent colorful or thematic ways for the animal to be introduced. Some examples follow.

213 Chapter 7: Adventuring Rewards • A bear cub or other young animal follows the party. • A hunting hawk tangled in a branch because of the jesses on its legs. If freed, the party gains its loyalty. • A flock of birds takes off and flies in an ominous pattern, accompanying the adventurers and warning of danger. • A large feline stretches, yawns, and moves its tail aside to reveal kittens. • Cow wearing a bell engraved with the name ‘Osiress, Death to all She Sees’. • A very plump rodent is stuck in its burrow. If freed it loyally follows the party. • The party finds well-trained mounts or labor animals (one per adventurer) appropriate to their environment such as axe beaks in grasslands, camels in a desert, elephants in the jungle, or giant spiders in Underland, but no sign of the beasts’ previous tenders. The creatures return home when released or left unmonitored. • A court of fey have been watching the adventurers from afar and are amused by their success, rewarding each of them with giant elks that are loyal mounts until the party leaves the region. TABLE: BOON ANIMALS TIER CHALLENGE RATING EXAMPLES 0 0–½ Ape, axe beak, baboon, black bear, camel, cat, eagle, wolf 1 1–2 Brown bear, dire wolf, giant eagle, giant spider, hippogriff, lion, raptor, tiger, giant boar, polar bear, giant elk, saber-toothed tiger 2 3–4 Ankylosaurus, griffon, winter wolf, elephant 3 5–6 Mammoth, triceratops 4 7–8 Giant ape, tyrannosaurus rex Blessing The gods are pleased with the party’s actions. These boons are sometimes the result of divine favor, or sometimes reflect approval of local communities. TABLE: BLESSING BOONS D12 BLESSING 1 The adventurers discover an enchanted spring. When a creature consumes water directly from the spring, for the next hour it gains advantage on Strength checks and doubles its carrying capacity. Water that is bottled or otherwise stored for later retains this effect for only 1 hour. 2 Spirit who wants to give the adventurers a gift. The item appears to be extremely mundane, but has an immense situational benefit (such as an arrow of dragon slaying or waterskin with a secret compartment holding a potion of superior healing). 3 Something the party did not intend frees a trapped spirit or undoes an ancient curse, granting each of them good fortune for 1 week. While an adventurer has good fortune, the next time they roll a natural 1 on a d20 they reroll the die, expending their good fortune. 4 The party witnesses an aurora in the night sky that rejuvenates them, granting the benefits of a long rest after they complete their next short rest. 5 Butterflies follow the party. If an adventurer holds out a finger, a butterfly lands on it and they gain an expertise die on their next saving throw. Once 1d4+1 butterflies have granted this boon the rest disappear. 6 The next time the party uses healing magic the location around them becomes a holy site infused with radiant power. The faithful begin traveling far and wide to rest at this site. Any living creature that spends 24 hours in the area regains 2d4 hit points. 7 One adventurer finds an important trophy or trinket that grants them inspiration (though they lose the keepsake after the inspiration is used).

Trials & Treasures 214 D12 BLESSING 8 An air elemental impressed by the party lightens their burdens. Each adventurer increases their Speed by 5 feet until the next time they finish a short or long rest. 9 The adventurers find a book filled with stories about their quests and successes. Once per week, a new paragraph appears on its pages and after reading it one PC gains an expertise die on an ability check (whichever member of the party chooses to use it first). 10 One of the adventurers gets bitten by an insect that leaves a wound in a geometric shape which won’t go away. The next time they fail a Wisdom saving throw against a spell, they succeed instead and the bite mark disappears. 11 Clouds of pollen (well known to locals) permanently stain the cuffs and hems of the party’s clothing. The party gains an expertise die on Charisma checks made against people local to the area. 12 Some people that witnessed the adventurers overcome the obstacle tell everyone about it, and for the next month the PCs gain an expertise die on Charisma checks made in this region. Follower To randomly flesh out the follower’s heritage, name, and other details, see Social Encounters on page @@. The expertise of the follower is based on the region’s tier (tier 0–1: inexperienced, tier 2–3: seasoned, tier 4: expert). A boon follower typically remains with the party until they leave the current region. More information on followers can be found in Chapter 4: Equipment, in the Adventurer’s Guide. TABLE: BOON FOLLOWERS D20 FOLLOWER 1 Apothecary 2 Bodyguard 3 Cook 4 Diviner 5 Footpad 6 Healer 7 Interpreter 8 Minstrel 9 Porter 10 Sage 11 Smith 12 Squire 13 Teamster 14 Torchbearer 15 The party meets a traveling trade caravan or circus which journeys with them, sharing their meals in exchange for help on the road and the security offered in numbers. 16 The party gains a fan who asks them for a new story or autograph or souvenir at every turn. This might be a merchant, a young traveler, or just a commoner in a town that gets a lot of foot traffic. While the fan is with them, the adventurers’ Prestige rating is increased by 1 point. 17 The ghost of a fallen traveler finds the party and haunts them, pulling harmless pranks such as blowing off their hats and scaring their pack animals. Despite this, the ghost warns the party of danger and can answer questions about the region. TABLE: BLESSING BOONS (CONTINUED)

215 Chapter 7: Adventuring Rewards D20 FOLLOWER 18 A friendly nature spirit takes a liking to the party and leads them towards safe paths with pleasant smells or other signs or wards them away from danger with bad odors or noises. While in this region, the adventurers gain an expertise die on Survival checks made to find their way. 19 A pixie decides to tag along with the party until it gets bored. 20 A wandering knight travels with the party for a while, regaling them with stories about their heroic deeds. Herbs and Medicinals The party discovers a small patch of vegetation that can be harvested and used as an herbal remedy or potion (see Medicinals, Chapter 4: Equipment, in the Adventurer’s Guide). TABLE: HERBS AND MEDICINAL DISCOVERIES D20 DISCOVERY 1 1d4 doses of adderwort which can be prepared to make adderwort roots.* 2 1d6 doses of fairy cap. 3 1d6 doses of ironwood acorn.* 4 1d4 doses of lavender which can be crushed into lavender paste.* 5 10 doses of spiderbulb which can be made into pressed spiderbulb.* 6 1d4 doses of sycamore, the petals of which can be made into a poultice.* 7 1d6 doses of yewclaw which can be prepared to make dried yewclaw bark.* 8 1 dose of antitoxin.* D20 DISCOVERY 9 1 rare magewrist flower. When a creature uses a bonus action to inhale the flower’s magical pollen, the next spell it casts within 1 minute increases in range by one step (from self to touch, touch to short, and so on). The spell must have a casting time of 1 action. 10 2d4 flower blossoms with healing properties. A creature can use a bonus action to eat one of the blossoms and regain 1d6 hit points. 11 1 very rare dose of angelus root which can cure any nonmagical disease.* 12 1 dose of moon clovers, which undead cannot come within 10 feet of. Once picked, this plant permanently loses its efficacy in 1 week. 13 A patch of 1d4 saffron lilies. A creature can use a bonus action to eat a saffron lilly and gain resistance to poison damage for one hour. 14 2d4 fireroots. It takes an hour to crush and prepare one of these warm, red roots, but when ingested they provide immunity to the effects of cold weather until the creature has taken a long rest. 15 Leeches sufficient to fill one jar. 16 A mix of rare ingredients which can be combined to make a single dose of laudanum.* 17 Roots which can be pulped to make a medicinal salve.* 18 A rare combination of plants which form a single basic healing potion.* 19 A rare combination of plants which form a single greater healing potion.* 20 A rare combination of plants which form a single superior healing potion.* *These plants must be prepared before use, which requires 1 hour and a DC 10 Intelligence (Nature) check. TABLE: BOON FOLLOWERS (CONTINUED) TABLE: HERBS AND MEDICINAL DISCOVERIES (CONT.)

Trials & Treasures 216 Route The adventurers discover a shortcut, reducing their journey time by 1 day (to a minimum of 1 day). TABLE: ROUTE DISCOVERIES D6 DISCOVERY 1 The stars align showing unique paths when a map is held up to the sky. 2 An animal shows the adventurers a new route. 3 Discarded backpack with a local map, a distant map, and a frontier map. One of these maps depicts the region around the adventurers. 4 Runes or glyphs carved into nearby trees or rocks point out a shortcut. 5 A local tells the adventurers of a better path. 6 Unusual tracks reveal a secret path. Secret Something mysterious is revealed to the party. TABLE: SECRET DISCOVERIES D12 DISCOVERY 1 The adventurers find a warning of dangers in the area etched into stone or painted on a wooden sign. For the rest of the day the party cannot be surprised by monsters. 2 Half-filled out or outdated map (roll 1d4: on a 1–2 it’s a frontier map, on a 3 it’s a distant map, and on a 4 it’s a local map) that is only useful half of the time. If the map is useful and local, it can be used as a Route result. D12 DISCOVERY 3 Wizard’s spellbook containing either four 1st-level spells, a 1st-level spell and 3rd-level spell, two 2nd-level spells, or one 4th-level spell. These spells are chosen by the Narrator. 4 Letter containing a piece of information that would be very valuable in the right hands. 5 Old journal containing scandalous rumors about acquaintances that was written by the current governor of a local town decades ago when she was a young woman. 6 Map case containing an accurate map of an unexplored location (roll 1d4: on a 1–2 it’s a frontier map, on a 3 it’s a distant map, and on a 4 it’s a local map). There is a slit in it as if a knife was driven through it to mark a point. If the map is local, it can be used as a Route result. 7 Someone has carved a prophecy into the bark of a tree. 8 One of the adventurers receives a dream with information about an item, locale, or creature they’ve been seeking. 9 A spirit that has been bound to the area since losing its life there is finally freed and as thanks it answers one question for the party (as the divination spell but with a plain and straightforward response). 10 The adventurers pick up a few basic phrases of the local language if they do not already know it, making it easier for them to communicate simple concepts. 11 The adventurers uncover an ancient stone carving that has a prophecy etched out in an obscure language, and when deciphered it reveals something useful for their current quest. 12 The secret formula to a rare spell (see Rare Spells on page @@) etched in the walls of a cave. TABLE: SECRET DISCOVERIES (CONTINUED)

Chapter 7: Adventuring Rewards 217 Shelter These discovered shelters can all be used as havens. TABLE: DISCOVERED SHELTERS D10 SHELTER 1 A homestead belonging to a married couple of halfling ranchers. They offer to sell common supplies to the party (none of which has a cost greater than 10 gold). 2 A warm, dry cave, safe from the elements and monsters. 3 A massive dead tree with a hollowed-out interior that is comfortable. 4 A tranquil grove protected by a dryad. 5 A sailing vessel that makes for a perfect place to take shelter in. 6 A shortcut that just so happens to go by an inn or trading post. 7 A ruined temple which radiates an aura of comfort and peace. 8 An abandoned cottage or farmhouse. There is no sign of the occupants, who clearly left a long time ago. 9 An old military fort or watchtower built by some conquering army or ancient civilization. 10 A tiny village of fey folk who offer the adventurers a night’s food and rest.

Trials & Treasures 218 Supply The adventurers find Supply equal to 1d4 + 1 Supply per adventurer. Roll 1d10 to determine the nature of the Supply. TABLE: DISCOVERED SUPPLY D10 SUPPLY 1 A grove of edible mushrooms. 2 A prime fishing spot. 3 Prey dangling from a hunter’s snare. 4 Tracks from either hooves or paws lead to a stream of clear, potable water. 5 A well-tended campsite with food and a friendly note. 6 A berry bush with ripe and very tasty pieces of filling fruit. 7 A smashed wagon. 8 An abandoned hut with a stocked larder. 9 An animal leads the adventurers to a cache of nuts and berries. 10 A friendly adventuring party offers the adventurers a meal at their camp. Treasure Roll on the treasure table for a Challenge Rating equal to the CR of the encounter or challenge, or of the average character level (see Treasure Tables on page @@). The table below can be used to describe how the treasure is revealed to the adventurers. TABLE: DISCOVERED TREASURE D8 NATURE OF THE DISCOVERY 1 Coins lead to a dropped coin purse or other treasure. 2 Travelers whose lives were made easier by the actions of the adventurers give them treasure as thanks. 3 Desiccated remains of an adventuring party. There may be clues to what they were doing. 4 A shepherd or other local who witnessed the party’s success gives them rare treasures. 5 An animal leads the adventurers to a hidden cache. 6 A wagon stands abandoned with scorch marks and multiple arrows embedded in it. 7 An adventurer receives a vision from a pleased god or powerful being, who claims to have hidden a surprise along their path. 8 The adventurers spot a symbol on their map that they hadn’t noticed before. It leads to a cache of buried treasure.

219 Chapter 7: Adventuring Rewards Other The value of an unusual item is based on the region’s tier (tier 0: 50 gold, tier 1: 150 gold, tier 2: 600 gold, tier 3: 1,500 gold, tier 4: 4,000 gold). TABLE: UNUSUAL ITEMS D100 UNUSUAL ITEM 1–3 Pocket watch that tells perfect time and never needs to be wound. 4–6 Portable sundial made with gilded wood. Anyone carrying the sundial always knows what time it is while the sun is up. 7–9 Sheet music to a rousing song that when played inspires great confidence in those who hear it. The performer chooses any number of creatures that can hear them. These creatures gain an expertise die on the next ability check, attack roll, or saving throw they make before the beginning of the performer’s next turn. Once performed, the sheet music burns up out of existence and further performances of the song have no benefit. 10–12 A half dozen thick vines that are 20 feet long and as strong as hemp rope (roll separately for each vine). The vines dry out after 1 week unless treated daily with water by a druid or ranger. 13–15 Strange mechanical device that walks about after being wound, delighting children and often adults as well. 16–18 Beautiful lute with a recognizably noble name engraved on the handle in a sturdy leather case. 19–21 Sentient magical ring of uncommon rarity. It is blind and able to communicate with any creature wearing it, but it has a rather abrasive personality and no other magical properties. 22–24 Trees offer ripened sweet fruits that are a desired trade item with local cultures, though they spoil within 1d4 days of being plucked. 25–27 Mysterious chunk of ore that has never been encountered before worth gold when melted down. 28–30 A single silver bell. When a creature uses an action to ring it, an otherworldly guide and vehicle appear to transport the party (as the teleport spell). After the first time it is rung the bell loses any magical properties. 31–33 The adventurers find a plant with 1d4+2 leaves that are Huge-sized, durable (AC 15, 12 hit points), lightweight (1 pound), and waterproof. After 1 week the leaves harden in whatever shape they have been kept in. 34–36 Mask made from simple materials that turns the wearer’s head into that of an animal common to the region. While wearing the mask, an adventurer gains an expertise die on Animal Handling checks made against that type of animal. 37–39 The uniform of local law enforcement or security, or the raiments of a local religious sect—perfect for disguises. 40–42 Unbroached cask of a rare gnomish mead. 43–45 Beautiful lute with a recognizably noble name engraved on the handle in a sturdy leather case. 56–48 Abandoned length of silk rope that seems perfectly serviceable measuring 60 feet. 49–51 An invisible dagger, jammed into a tree stump, casts it shadow and refracts sunlight.

Trials & Treasures 220 D100 UNUSUAL ITEM 52–54 Explorer’s pack that also has a natural magnetic stone, ball bearings, a pouch full of talc, a mirror, and a curious glass prism. 55–57 An adventurer stumbles into a honey bee hive but none of the insects attack them. The hive makes 1 gold worth of honey each month, and if destroyed the insects inside spill out in a swarm to surround the adventurer for 10 minutes, granting half cover and damaging creatures within reach. 58–60 The adventurers acquire a fundamental piece of planar essence from another dimension. The form it takes—an elemental gem, an imp, a sentient thought—is at the Narrator’s discretion. 61–63 The party stumbles upon a witch’s hut. Its owner (use mage statistics) takes a liking to one of the adventurers—if they return her advances, they awaken the next morning healed of all curses and diseases. 64–66 A minstrel witnessed the adventurers’ success. For the next month, whenever the party is in a tavern roll 1d20. On a result of 17 or higher they hear a performer sing their own exploits, albeit much exaggerated, and when their presence becomes known their drinks are free. 67–69 Breadcrumb trail that when followed leads to a pair of young siblings who are hopelessly lost. They are the children of rich nobles who will reward the adventurers handsomely. 70–72 A cadre of constructs sit around a flame made of bizarre energies—not fire but cold, necrotic, psychic, thunder, or another type of energy. When a weapon spends 1 minute or longer placed in the flame, for the next 24 hours it deals an extra 1d6 fire damage on a hit. Before they will share their strange flame however, the constructs want their mechanical engine fueled first. 73–75 Single, divinely perfect and surprisingly large feather that inspires awe in all who see it. 76–78 At the end of their next long rest, each member of the party finds a playing card in their pocket that depicts a skill or tool kit they are proficient with. An adventurer can use a bonus action to pull out the playing card and gain an expertise die when they make an ability check using the depicted skill or tool kit, after which the playing card disappears. 79–81 Shedded crystalline antler. 82–84 Gaming set that contains dice and the rules for a game that is about to become a popular local pastime. 85–87 Locket containing a portrait of a lovely tiefling. 88–90 A bizarre skull that seems not of this world. 91–93 Unmistakably beloved wedding ring half-buried in the muck. An engraving on the inside reads “K+R”. 94–96 Seeds from a rare or unidentifiable plant. 97–100 The next time one of the adventurers casts a spell, instead of its normal effects the spell takes on a life of its own! The living spell has an AC of 10 + spell level, hit points equal to spell level × 10, a fly speed equal to spell level × 5 feet (hover), and a 10 in each ability score. A cantrip counts as a 1st-level spell. In addition, the living spell can cast itself a number of times equal to 10 – spell level, using the spell attack bonus or spell save DC of the adventurer that originally cast it. Until it fades away the next time the sun sets, the living spell becomes an ally of the party (controlled by the Narrator). TABLE: SECRET DISCOVERIES (CONTINUED)

CHAPTER 13 Enchanted Gear 221 • As the mists close in around them and monstrous growls grow louder, the bard produces a simple fan that blows the fog away with a single swipe. • Thinking quickly, the rogue grabs at his deck of cards and throws one down. An illusory fire giant suddenly flares into existence and the wolves scatter. • Time is of the essence—the ranger dons their mask of the white stag, becoming one with the hunt and as they dash into the night. Magic Items Hidden away inside trapped chests in ancient and forgotten tombs, hoarded by monsters, and prized by societies that have been changed by their presence, magic items are an essential part of Level Up. Although it’s possible for a Narrator to mount an entire campaign without them, adventurers acquiring enchanted gear is a pivotal and fun part of the game, granting access to abilities and prowess that can help them change the very course of history.

Trials & Treasures 222 Category Every magic item falls into one of the following categories: armor, potion, ring, rod, scroll, staff, wand, weapon, or wondrous item. In addition, some items are more particular and use a set of general rules specific to a subcategory like gear gremlins or patron tokens. Charms Charms are magic items that can be attached to a nonmagical item (like a bracelet or necklace) or worn as an earring. A charm attached to a magic item confers no benefits unless its rarity is greater, in which case the magic item the charm is attached to confers no benefits. Gear Gremlins Gear gremlins are Tiny magical quasi-real creatures summoned through technomancy to fulfill a purpose, and each is ethereal and unable to interact with objects on the Material Plane — except for their housing items and items they were specifically designed to interact with. A gear gremlin has Armor Class 10 and 1 hit point, though it can only be damaged by creatures on the Ethereal Plane or by creatures who can specifically affect creatures on the Ethereal Plane. Gear gremlins have limited intelligence and can speak Common, though they typically only converse about subjects that relate to their purpose. Patron Tokens Familiars, tomes, and weapons are among the most impressive gifts otherworldly patrons grant their servants— other things are simply baubles designed to delight or unsettle the recipient and those around them. Warlocks typically receive these tokens after completing a significant task, such as when they defeat the patron’s enemies or further its interests in the mortal realm. A servant may deliver it directly, or a gift may appear mysteriously among the warlock’s belongings while their attention is focused elsewhere. Patron tokens function only for the warlock who receives them. Though the flavor of the items presented here suggests the type of otherworldly patron that might grant them, Narrators can adapt the descriptions to make them more suitable for characters of a different stripe. For example, a warlock with a fiendish patron may receive a confidante’s journal bound in demon flesh, while a fey might grant their servant a seven-sided coin stamped with images of fey creatures. Rarity Magic items range from small things that are surprisingly useful to potent relics of unimaginable power. The availability of a magic item, as well as its lowest and highest possible price, are determined by its rarity. More common magic items might be found among the kit of many adventurers, while rare magic items can only be afforded by successful adventurers or wealthy nobles, and legendary magic items are just that—the stuff of legends. Cost Each magic item is also listed with a suggested cost for purchase, though the Narrator may choose to reduce or increase the price of any piece of enchanted gear depending on the campaign.

Chapter 8: Enchanted Gear 223 TABLE: MAGIC ITEM COSTS RARITY LOW PRICE HIGH PRICE Common 2 gp 100 gp Uncommon 101 gp 500 gp Rare 501 gp 5,000 gp Very Rare 5,001 gp 50,000 gp Legendary 50,001 gp 500,000 gp Artifact — — Attunement The magical properties of some magic items are locked away until they have linked to the creature bearing them, bonding the energies of both together into attunement. Certain pieces of enchanted gear have prerequisites that must be met before they can be attuned to, such as levels in a class. In the case of monsters attuning to an item, they must have spell slots and have access to the prerequisite class spell list. Any creature able to cast one spell qualifies as a spellcaster for the purposes of attunement. Magic items that require attunement are treated as mundane unless they are described otherwise—a magic sword is still a magic sword, but if it requires attunement it does not deal magical damage or confer its other properties until the creature wielding it has attuned to the blade. The process of attunement requires a creature to finish a short rest where all it does is remain in physical contact with and focus upon the magic item. This could mean practicing with a magic weapon, concentrating on the details of a wondrous item, referencing arcane tomes, or praying for guidance. An interrupted short rest ruins the attempt to attune to the magic item. Once attuned the creature intuitively knows how to activate the magic item and any command words, but not if it is cursed (or how it is cursed). Unless it has a feature or trait that allows it, a creature can be attuned to a maximum of three magic items at a time. Attempts to attune to additional magic items fail until the creature ends one of its attunements first. In addition, it is impossible to attune to two identical items at the same time — a creature can only attune to a single ring of protection. The most common method to end an attunement is by finishing a short rest focused on the item, but it can also be ended in the following ways: the magic item is more than 100 feet away from the creature for 24 hours, the creature no longer meets the attunement prerequisites, or the creature dies. Identifying Magic Items A magic item that requires attunement can have its properties identified by a creature that attunes to it, but otherwise learning what a piece of enchanted gear is and what it can do is the remit of learned minds or magic like the identify spell. Identifying a magic item is similar to the process for attuning to one and requires just as much concentration. A creature can spend a short rest inspecting a magic item, making an ability check at the end against a DC based on the magic item’s rarity (see Table: Identifying Magic Items) after searching its memories for references as it scrutinizes the magic item for clues. The type of the ability check and any skills used for it are at the Narrator’s discretion, determined by the magic item and its origins, but often include Arcana, Culture, History, Nature, or Religion. On a success, at the end of the short rest the creature recognizes what the magic item is and remembers any command words it might require. Whether or not a magic item is cursed requires a success by 10 or more. Recognizing Artifacts. Extremely potent relics are literally items of myth and even when it might not be immediately recognized for what it is, the countless tales about an artifact make it easy to recognize without all of its secrets laid bare. More information on recognizing artifacts is on page @@. TABLE: IDENTIFYING MAGIC ITEMS RARITY CHECK DC Common 10 Uncommon 13 Rare 16 Very rare 19 Legendary 22 Artifact Special

Trials & Treasures 224 Curses Remember that most methods of identifying magic items, including the identify spell, fail to reveal an item’s cursed properties so they offer an opportunity to surprise adventurers when the curse is revealed. When describing the items, it’s important for Narrators to highlight their extraplanar connections as the party may be justifiably wary of items with aberrant, fiendish, or otherwise questionable connections. The curses included with certain magic items in this chapter focus on story possibilities rather than mechanical consequences, and the Narrator can choose to ignore them if their implementation would distract rather than engage the party. Likewise, these items are specific to the adventurer that acquires them and they cannot be sold (even if they were bought). Wearing and Wielding Magic Items In order for a magic item to function properly it must be worn or wielded as the item intended: feet in boots, hands in gloves, heads under hats or inside helmets, fingers in rings. Magic armors and shields only work when they are donned, weapons have to be wielded, and cloaks fastened around a creature’s shoulders. Unless noted otherwise, a worn magic item automatically stretches or shrinks to match the size and shape of the creature wearing it. When a nonhumanoid creature attempts to wear a magic item, it’s up to the Narrator whether it works or not—a merfolk can certainly use rings and amulets, but probably not a pair of enchanted boots. Multiple Magic Items of the Same Type Most creatures have only two legs and one head so usually a creature can only make use of a single pair of boots and one hat or helmet. Whether or not more than one item can be worn in the same spot is at the Narrator’s discretion. For example, an ettin (which has two heads) might be able to wear two magic hats, or a half-elven mage may be allowed to wear a magic circlet beneath an enchanted helmet. Paired Magic Items When a magic item is described as a pair —boots, bracers, gauntlets, gloves—any properties it grants only function when the full set is worn. For example, an adventurer wearing one half of bracers of defense and one half of bracers of archery doesn’t gain the benefits of wearing either. Activating Magic Items There are magic items that require something special to function, like speaking a command word while holding it. Each magic item’s description provides details on how it is activated, otherwise using the following rules. Note that the Use an Item action does not apply to magic items — any item that requires an action to activate is treated as its own separate action, not the Use an Item action. Charges Magic items often have charges which must be expended to activate one or more of their properties. How many charges the magic item has is revealed either when a creature attunes to it or after a casting of the identify spell. In addition, when an attuned magic item regains charges the creature attuned to it knows how many charges have been regained. Command Words Command words are specific words or phrases that when spoken cause a magic item to use one of its properties. Magic items that require a command word to be spoken can’t be activated in the area of a silence spell or other circ*mstance where sound is prevented. Consumables Magic items can also be used up when activated— elixirs and potions have to be swallowed, oils applied to an item or creature’s body, arcane or divine script disappearing as it is read from a spell scroll, and so on. A consumable magic item loses its magic after being used.

Chapter 8: Enchanted Gear 225 Spells Many magic items grant the creature using them the ability to cast one or more spells. Unless stated otherwise, a spell cast from a magic item is cast at the lowest possible spell level, and it requires no components or spell slots. The spell uses its normal rules unless the item describes a change to how the spell functions, and if it requires concentration the creature must maintain concentration on the spell. Some magic items (like potions) simply grant the benefits of a spell, with its usual duration, without requiring the spell be cast or for the creature to concentrate. When a staff or other magic item requires a creature to use its own spellcasting ability and it has more than one spellcasting ability, it chooses which to use. A creature without a spellcasting ability that uses such an item cannot use its proficiency bonus and it treats its spellcasting ability modifier as +0. Enchanted Trinkets Level Up has a plethora of common and uncommon magic items that cost 150 gold or less. Narrators shouldn’t be afraid or wary of rewarding the adventurers with these innocuous enchanted trinkets — they are perfectly suited for enhancing the roleplaying experience without introducing an unbalancing element to the game. Unless the party are in a metropolis known for its arcana or divinity, most shops specializing in magic items will only have a few more expensive pieces but plenty of enchanted trinkets. Magic Items A–Z Each magic item is presented in alphabetical order with a description, category, rarity, and its magical properties. Absurdist Web Wondrous item, very rare (cost 11,250 gp) Crafting Components: Silk of a giant spider and the soul of an ettercap When you try to unfold this bed sheet-sized knot of spidersilk, you occasionally unearth a longdead sparrow or a cricket that waves thanks before hopping away. It’s probably easier just to wad it up and stick it in your pocket. The interior of this ball of web is an extradimensional space equivalent to a 10-foot cube. To place things into this space you must push it into the web, so it cannot hold liquids or gasses. You can only retrieve items you know are inside, making it excellent for smuggling. Retrieving items takes at least 2 actions (or more for larger objects) and things like loose coins tend to get lost inside it. No matter how full, the web never weighs more than a half pound. A creature attempting to divine the contents of the web via magic must first succeed on a DC 28 Arcana check which can only be attempted once between long rests. Any creature placed into the extradimensional space is placed into stasis for up to a month, needing no food or water but still healing at a natural pace. Dead creatures in the web do not decay. If a living creature is not freed within a month, it is shunted from the web and appears beneath a large spider web 1d6 miles away in the real world. Aegis of the Eternal Moon Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement; cost 6,075 gp) Crafting Components: Metal that has fallen from space The circular surface of this gleaming silver shield is marked by dents and craters making it reminiscent of a full moon. While holding this medium shield, you gain a magical +1 bonus to AC. This item has 3 charges and regains 1 charge each night at moonrise.

Trials & Treasures 226 While this shield is equipped, you may expend 1 charge as an action to cast moonbeam, with the following exceptions: the spell manifests as a line of moonlight 10 feet long and 5 feet wide emanating from the shield, and you may move the beam by moving the shield (no action required). When the first charge is expended, the shield fades to the shape of a gibbous moon and loses its magical +1 bonus to AC. When the second charge is expended, the shield fades to the shape of a crescent moon and becomes a light shield, granting only a +1 bonus to AC. When the final charge is expended, the shield fades away completely, leaving behind its polished silver handle. When the shield regains charges, it reforms according to how many charges it has remaining. Aerodite the Autumn Queen’s True Name Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; cost 120 gp) Crafting Components: Autumn leaf taken from The Dreaming This slip of parchment contains the magically bound name “Airy Nightengale” surrounded by shifting autumn leaves. While you are attuned to it, you can use a bonus action to invoke the name on this parchment to summon a vision of a powerful archfey beside you for 1 minute. Airy acts catty and dismissive but mellows with flattery. Once a vision is summoned in this way, it cannot be summoned again for the next 24 hours. You can use an action to verbally direct the vision to do any of the following: • Perform minor acts of nature magic (as druidcraft). • Whisper charming words to a target creature within 5 feet. Creatures whispered to in this way must make a DC 13 Charisma saving throw, on a failed save targets become charmed by the vision until the end of their next turn, treating the vision and you as friendly allies. • Bestow a magical fly speed of 10 feet on a creature within 5 feet for as long as the vision remains. Alternatively, as an action while the vision is summoned you can agree to revoke your claim on Aerodite in exchange for her direct assistance. When you do so the parchment disappears in a flurry of autumn leaves, and for the next minute the figment transforms into an alluring vision of the feywild at a point you choose within 60 feet (as hypnotic pattern, save DC 13). Once you have revoked your claim in this way, you can never invoke Aerodite’s true name again. Air Charm Wondrous item (charm), uncommon (cost 500 gp) Crafting Components: Feather from a migratory bird collected on its third return home While wearing this charm you can hold your breath for an additional 10 minutes, or you can break the charm to release its power, destroying it to activate one of the following effects. • Flight: Cast fly. • Float: Cast feather fall. • Whirl: Cast whirlwind kick (+7 spell attack bonus, spell save DC 15). Curse. Releasing the charm’s power attracts the attention of a djinni who seeks you out to request a favor. Alliance Rings Ring, uncommon (requires attunement; 125 gp each) Crafting Components: Matching rings worn for at least a year by a cleric and a herald These matched glass rings shimmer from a stitch of eldritch energy that runs through their center. They contain some residual memories of the cleric and herald who originally wore the bands, relying on the enchanted jewelry as much as each other through many adventures together. When you and another creature attune to the rings, you each gain the ability to sense your approximate distance from one another. You also receive a slight jolt when the other ring wearer drops to 0 hit points. When the other ring wearer takes damage, you can use your reaction to concentrate and rotate the ring. When you do so, both you and the other

Chapter 8: Enchanted Gear 227 ring wearer receive an image of an elderly herald giving up her life to shield her cleric companion from enemy arrows. The effect, spell, or weapon’s damage dice are rolled twice and use the lower result. After being used in this way, the energy in each ring disappears and they both become mundane items. Amber Wings Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; cost 115 gp) Crafting Components: Tree sap taken from The Dreaming This pair of amber dragonfly wings holds the memories of a native of the Feywild who befriended several insect companions. You can speak with insects when carrying the wings in your hand or wearing them as a piece of jewelry. When you speak the name of the fey creature whose memories lie within the wings, you briefly experience the sensation of flying atop a giant dragonfly. For 1 minute after speaking the name, you can glide up to 60 feet per round. This functions as though you have a fly speed of 60 feet, but you can only travel horizontally or on a downward slant. The wings crumble to dust after the gliding effect ends. Ammunition +1, +2, or +3 Weapon (any ammunition), uncommon (cost 500 gp), rare (cost 2,000 gp), or very rare (cost 8,000 gp) Crafting Components: Naturally fallen branches from a druid’s grove This ammunition comes in bundles of 10. When used to make a ranged weapon attack, a piece of this ammunition grants a bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it: +1 (uncommon), +2 (rare), or +3 (very rare). After hitting a target, a piece of ammunition loses its magical properties. Amulet of Health Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement; cost 5,000 gp) Crafting Components: Troll heart Wearing this amulet increases your Constitution score to 19. It has no effect if your Constitution is equal to greater than 19. Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement; cost 5,000 gp) Crafting Components: Quasit eye You are hidden from divination magic while wearing this amulet, including any form of scrying (magical scrying sensors are unable to perceive you). Amulet of the Planes Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement; cost 50,000 gp) Crafting Components: Scroll of plane shift crafted by a deceased wizard While wearing this amulet, you can use an action and name a location that you are familiar with on another plane of existence, making a DC 15 Intelligence check. On a success you cast the plane shift spell, but on a failure you and every creature and object within a 15-foot radius are transported to a random location determined with a d100 roll. On a 1–60 you transport to a random location on the plane you named, or on a 61–100 you are transported to a randomly determined plane of existence. Amulet of the Pleasing Bouquet Wondrous item, common (cost 50 gp) Crafting Components: Flower potpourri with petals taken from wedding bouquets and flowers laid at gravestones Various schools of magic employ all manner of particularly foul-smelling and noxious substances, nauseating some would-be wizards to the point of illness. These enchanted amulets were created to guard against the various stenches found in their masters’ laboratories and supply closets. Enterprising apprentices quickly saw the value of peddling the enchanted trinkets to the affluent wishing to avoid the stench of the streets however, and now they are commonplace among nobility. The most typical of these amulets look like pomanders though dozens of different styles, varieties, and scents are available for sale. While wearing it, you can spend an action and expend 1 charge from the amulet to fill your nostrils with

Trials & Treasures 228 pleasing scents for 1 hour. These scents are chosen by the amulet’s creator at the time of its crafting. In more extreme circ*mstances like a stinking cloud spell or troglodyte’s stench, you can expend 3 charges as a reaction to have advantage on saving throws against the dangerous smell until the end of your next turn. The amulet has 3 charges and regains 1d3 charges each dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a or 5 or less, the amulet loses its magic and becomes a mundane item. Angel Eyes Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement; cost 4,500 gp) Crafting Components: Glass tempered in a Celestial Plane Both the frame and lenses of these magnificent spectacles are made of the finest crystal. While you are wearing and attuned to the spectacles, you are immune to mental stress effects that would result from a visual encounter, you have advantage on saving throws against sight-based fear effects, and you are immune to gaze attacks. Animated Shield Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement; cost 6,000 gp) Crafting Components: Marilith swords, or a scroll of animate objects As a bonus action, you can verbally command the shield to animate and float in your space, or for it to stop doing so. The shield continues to act as if you were wielding it, but with your hands free. The shield remains animated for 1 minute, or until you are incapacitated or die. It then returns to your free hand, if you have one, or else it falls to the ground. You can benefit from only one shield at a time. Anthology of Enhanced Radiance Wondrous item, common (cost 50 gp) Crafting Components: Assorted vegetables, bound book, bed pillow This slightly enchanted book holds lessons for how to look healthier. When you spend 1 hour reading and memorizing the book’s lessons, after your next long rest for the following 24 hours you appear as if you’ve slept and eaten well for months. At the end of the duration, the effect ends and you are unable to benefit from this book until 28 days have passed. Apparatus of the Crab Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement; cost 60,000 gp) Crafting Components: Dragon turtle shell This ingeniously crafted item (known by some as the crabaratus) is a tightly shut 500 pound iron barrel. Making a DC 20 Investigation check reveals a hidden catch which unlocks one end of the barrel—a hatch. Two Medium or smaller creatures can crawl inside where there are 10 levers in a row at the far end. Each lever is in a neutral position but can move up or down. Use of these levers makes the barrel reconfigure to resemble a giant metal crab. This item is a Large object with the following statistics: Armor Class: 20 Hit Points: 200 Speed: 30 ft., swim 30 ft. (both are 0 ft. without legs and tail extended) Damage Immunities: poison, psychic The item requires a pilot to be used as a vehicle. The hatch must be closed for it to be airtight and watertight. The apparatus holds 10 hours worth of air for breathing, dividing by the number of breathing creatures inside. The apparatus floats on water and may dive underwater down to 900 feet, taking 2d6 bludgeoning damage at the end of each minute spent at a lower depth. Any creature inside the apparatus can use an action to position up to two of the levers either up or down, with the lever returning to its neutral position upon use. From left to right, the Apparatus of the Crab table shows how each lever functions.

Chapter 8: Enchanted Gear 229 TABLE: APPARATUS OF THE CRAB LEVER UP DOWN 1 Extends legs and tail. Retracts legs and tail. Speed is 0 ft. and it cannot benefit from bonuses to Speed. 2 Shutter on forward window opens. Shutter on forward window closes. 3 Shutters (two each side) on side windows open. Shutters on side windows close. 4 Two claws extend, one on each front side. The claws retract. 5 Each extended claw makes a melee attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage. Each extended claw makes a melee attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: The target is grappled (escape DC 15). 6 The apparatus moves forward. The apparatus moves backward. 7 The apparatus turns 90 degrees left. The apparatus turns 90 degrees right. 8 Bright light shines from fixtures resembling eyes, shedding bright light in a 30- foot radius and dim light an additional 30 feet. The light extinguishes. 9 If in liquid, the apparatus sinks 20 feet. If in liquid, the apparatus rises 20 feet. 10 The hatch opens. The hatch closes. Archaic Creed Wondrous item, common (cost 60 gp) Crafting Components: Confession of an act of callous cruelty (the confessor must be present for at least 1 hour of the item’s creation time) This crumpled vellum scroll is scrawled with an Infernal statement outlining the beliefs of a specific yet unnamed fiend. Whether or not you can read the language, while studying the statement you gain an expertise die on a Religion check made to recall or learn information about fiends. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. By repeatedly reciting the creed aloud as an action each round for 1 minute, you can cast find familiar, except your familiar takes the form of either an imp or a quasit. The creed is irrevocably absorbed into the familiar’s body and is completely destroyed when the familiar drops to 0 hit points. Curse. The familiar summoned by the creed is cursed. The fiend who wrote the creed can observe you through the summoned familiar, and can command the familiar to take actions while you are asleep or unconscious.

Trials & Treasures 230 TABLE: ARMOR +1, +2, OR +3 BASE ARMOR +1 AC +2 AC +3 AC Padded cloth Common 65 gp Uncommon 500 gp Rare 2,500 gp Padded leather Uncommon 400 gp Rare 2,500 gp Very Rare 10,000 gp Cloth brigandine Uncommon 150 gp Uncommon 500 gp Rare 2,200 gp Leather brigandine Uncommon 400 gp Rare 2,200 gp Very Rare 8,000 gp Hide Uncommon 150 gp Uncommon 500 gp Rare 2,000 gp Scale mail Uncommon 250 gp Rare 2,000 gp Very Rare 8,000 gp Breastplate Uncommon 500 gp Rare 2,000 gp Very Rare 8,000 gp Chain shirt Uncommon 150 gp Uncommon 500 gp Rare 2,000 gp Half plate Rare 2,000 gp Very Rare 8,000 gp Legendary 32,000 gp Hauberk Uncommon 450 gp Rare 1,500 gp Very Rare 6,000 gp Splint Rare 1,500 gp Very Rare 6,000 gp Legendary 24,000 gp Full plate Very Rare 6,000 gp Legendary 24,000 gp Legendary 96,000 gp Armor +1, +2, or +3 Armor (light, medium, or heavy), varies (cost varies) Crafting Components: varies • common: giant wolf spider silk • uncommon: hide or scales of a beast of CR 1–4 (like an ankheg) • rare: special metal (adamantine, mithral, etc) or the hide or scales of a beast of CR 5–10 (like a bulette) with a high natural armor • very rare: raw unworked precious metal (gold or platinum) or the hide or scales of a creature of CR 11–16 (like a remorhaz) with a high natural armor • legendary: magic armor that has fended off an attack by a legendary monster of CR 17+, or the hide or scales of a creature CR 17+ Wearing this armor gives an additional magic boost to AC as well as the base AC the armor provides. Its rarity and value are listed below: Armor of Invulnerability Armor (plate), legendary (requires attunement; cost 70,000 gp) Crafting Components: Scales from an ancient dragon turtle’s shell This armor grants you resistance to nonmagical damage. Once between long rests, you can use an action to become immune to nonmagical damage for 10 minutes or until you are no longer wearing the armor. Armor of Resistance Armor (light, medium, or heavy), rare (requires attunement; cost 1,250 gp) Crafting Components: Lump of elemental matter corresponding to the energy resisted (air for lightning or thunder, astral for psychic, earth for acid, ethereal for force, fire for fire, lower planes for necrotic, shadow for poison, upper planes for radiant, or water for cold) This armor grants you resistance to one type of damage. The type of damage is determined when the armor is created, from the following list: acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, thunder.

Chapter 8: Enchanted Gear 231 Armor of Vulnerability Armor (full plate), rare (requires attunement; cost 4,000 gp) Crafting Components: Fool’s gold and rust left over from a rust monster’s attack This armor grants you resistance to one of the following damage types: bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. The type of damage is determined when the armor is created. Cursed. Once attuned to this armor, you are cursed until you are targeted by remove curse or similar magic; removing the armor does not end it. While cursed, you have vulnerability to the other two damage types this armor does not protect against. Arrow-Catching Shield Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement; cost 5,000 gp) Crafting Components: Wood from the winning bullseye target from a prestigious archery tournament This shield grants you +2 to AC against ranged attacks, in addition to the shield’s normal bonus to AC. In addition, whenever a target within 5 feet of you is targeted by a ranged attack, you can use your reaction to become the target of the attack instead. Arrow of Slaying Weapon (arrow), very rare (cost 8,000 gp) Crafting Components: Piece of flint from a stream in primeval forest A particular kind of creature is chosen when this magic arrow is created. When the arrow of slaying damages a creature belonging to the chosen type, heritage, or group, the creature makes a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking an extra 6d10 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much extra damage on a successful one. Once the arrow of slaying deals its extra damage to a creature, it loses its magical properties. Other types of magic ammunition of this kind exist, such as bolts meant for a crossbow, or bullets for a firearm or sling. Assassin’s Ring Ring, rare (cost 2,500 gp) Crafting Component: Gemstone worn by an assassination victim at the time of their death This unassuming-looking signet ring comes with sinister features. The first is a four-chambered extradimensional space, each of which can hold one dose of poison. While wearing the ring, you can use an action to press part of its filigree to deploy one of the poisons and apply it to a weapon or piece of ammunition. You have advantage on checks made to conceal this action from observers. In addition, you can use a bonus action to whisper a command word that makes a garrote of shadowy force unspool from the ring. A creature grappled using this garrote has disadvantage on saving throws made to escape the grapple. This ring’s magic is subtle and creatures have disadvantage on checks made to notice it is magical or determine its purpose. Assembling Armor Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement; cost 2,500 gp) Crafting Component: Plates from a damaged suit of armor that saved its wearer from a mortal blow This thick leather belt pouch jingles softly as if filled with metal rings. This item has 6 charges and regains 1d4 each dawn. You can use an action to speak one of three command words and expend 1 or more of the pouch’s charges, causing metal rings and plates to stream out of the pouch and assemble into a suit of armor on your body. • Leather brigandine (1 charge) • Half plate (2 charges) • Full plate (3 charges) Alternatively, you can use a bonus action to speak a fourth command word and expend 1 charge to summon a medium shield from the pouch. If you are already wearing armor that provides equal or greater protection than the armor provided by the pouch, the charges are wasted and nothing happens. If you are wearing armor that provides less protection, the assembling armor reinforces the armor you are already wearing and you benefit from the same level of protection as if you activated

Trials & Treasures 232 the pouch while unarmored. The armor remains on your person for up to 1 hour or until you use an action to dismiss it, after which it disassembles and returns to the pouch. Atlas to Libation Wondrous item, common (cost 35 gp) Crafting Components: Tavern sign stolen while drunk This golden-brown parchment has an odd handlelike wooden stave and a seal marked with an ale tankard. As a bonus action, you can break the seal and unfurl the map. When you do so, the map fills in with accurate topography in a 1-mile radius around you. A miniature image of you appears at the map’s center along with a dotted line leading to an X that marks the nearest potable alcohol. The map immediately rolls back up if brought within 50 feet of alcohol or if no alcohol is within 1 mile when the seal is opened. Once used in this way, the seal reforms and is usable again after 24 hours. Alternatively, you can form a cylinder with the map and grasp it by the handle as an action. If you do so, the map hardens into a tall wooden tankard and magically fills with high quality ale, then loses all magical properties and becomes a mundane object. Badge of Seasons Wondrous item (patron token), uncommon (cost 150 gp) Crafting Components: An annual flower bloomed in each of the 4 seasons Glowing, magical symbols of spring, summer, autumn, and winter decorate this wooden badge. So long as at least one of the symbols remains on the badge, fey creatures regard you as a figure of authority. You gain an expertise die on Intimidation and Persuasion checks made to influence fey. Whenever you create your pact weapon, you can choose to imbue it with the magic of one of the badge’s four symbols. For the next minute or until your pact weapon disappears, you gain a benefit related to the chosen symbol: Spring: Whenever you use your pact weapon to damage a creature, you regain 1d4 hit points. Summer: Attacks made with your pact weapon deal an additional 1d6 fire damage. Autumn: Whenever you use your pact weapon to damage a creature, the target makes a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC or it deals half damage with weapon attacks until the end of your next turn. Winter: You can use a bonus action to teleport up to 15 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see. Creatures within 5 feet of the space you left each take 1d4 cold damage. The symbol disappears after its effect ends. Once you’ve used all four symbols, the badge becomes a mundane item. Bag of Beans Wondrous item, rare (cost 5,000 gp) Crafting Components: Dry beans and something stolen from the sack of a cloud giant This cloth bag contains 3d4 dry beans and weighs ½ pound plus ¼ pound for each bean inside. Dumping the bag’s contents on the ground creates a fiery 10-foot radius explosion. The fire ignites unattended flammable objects. Each creature in the area makes a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d4 fire damage on a failure, or half damage on a success. You may also take a bean from the bag and plant it in dirt or sand and water it, producing an effect 1 minute later centered on where it was planted. To determine the effect the Narrator may create something entirely new, choose one from the following table, or roll.

Chapter 8: Enchanted Gear 233 TABLE: BAG OF BEANS D100 EFFECT 1 5d4 toadstools with strange markings appear. When a creature eats a toadstool (raw or cooked), roll any die. An even result grants 5d6 temporary hit points for 1 hour, and an odd result requires the creature to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 5d6 poison damage and become poisoned for 1 hour. 2–10 1d4+1 geysers erupt. Each one spews a different liquid (chosen by the Narrator) 30 feet into the air for 1d6 rounds: beer, berry juice, cooking oil, tea, vinegar, water, or wine. 11–20 A fully developed treant appears. There is a 50% chance it is chaotic evil, in which case it immediately attacks the nearest creature. 21–30 A stone statue in your likeness with an angry countenance rises. The statue is immobile except for its mouth, which can move and speak. It constantly rails threats and insults against you. If you leave the statue, it knows where you are (if you are on the same plane of existence) and tells anyone who comes near that you are the worst of villains, urging them to kill you. The statue attempts to cast geas (save DC 10) on any nearby creature that can speak a language you do (and isn’t your friend or companion) with the command to find and kill you. After 24 hours, the statue loses the ability to speak and cast geas, becoming completely inanimate. 31–40 A campfire with green flames appears for 24 hours or until it is extinguished. The area in a 10-foot radius is a haven (see page @@ in Chapter 9: Exploration). 41–50 1d6+6 fully developed shriekers appear. 51–60 1d4+8 small pods sprout, which then unfurl to allow a luminescent pink toad to crawl out of each one. A toad transforms into a Large or smaller beast (determined by the Narrator) whenever touched. The beast remains for 1 minute, then disappears in a puff of luminescent pink smoke. 61–70 A fully developed shambling mound appears. It is not hostile but appears perplexed as it is stunned for 1d4 rounds. Once the stun effect ends, it is frightened for 1d10+1 rounds. The source of its fear is one randomly determined creature it can see. 71–80 A tree with tantalizing fruit appears, but then turns into glass that refracts light in a dazzlingly beautiful manner. The glass tree evaporates over the next 24 hours. 81–90 A nest appears containing 1d4+3 vibrantly multicolored eggs with equally multicolored yolks. Any creature that eats an egg (raw or cooked) makes a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a success, the creature’s lowest ability score permanently increases by 1 (randomly choosing among equally low scores). On a failure, the creature takes 10d6 force damage from an internal magical explosion. 91–99 A 5-foot hole with swirling multicolored vapors inside appears. All creatures within 10 feet of the hole that have an Intelligence of 6 or higher hear urgent, loving whispers from within in a language they understand. Each creature makes a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or try to leap into the hole. The first creature to jump into the hole (or more than one, if multiple creatures jump in simultaneously) disappears for 1 day before reappearing. A creature has no memory of the previous 24 hours when it reappears, but finds a new randomly determined magic item of uncommon rarity among its possessions. It also gains the benefits of a long rest. The hole disappears after 1 minute, or as soon as a creature jumps completely into it. 100 A fantastic, gargantuan beanstalk erupts and grows to a height determined by the Narrator. The Narrator also chooses where the top leads. These options (and more) are possible: the castle of a giant, a magnificent view, a different plane of existence.

Trials & Treasures 234 Bag of Cheese Wondrous item, common (cost 5 gp) Crafting Components: Piece of cheese taken from a mouse trap baited with it for at least 24 hours This item is often bought from apprentice wizards with an adventurer’s first reward from questing. It is a yellow bag with the word “cheese” embroidered on it (in Common). Any food you put in this bag becomes cheese, but retains its original taste and condition—a moldy and dirty loaf of bread becomes a moldy and dirty piece of cheese. Any non-food items develop a distinctly cheesy aroma. Alternatively, you can turn the bag inside out, transforming it into 1 Supply worth of any type of mundane cheese. Bag of Devouring Wondrous item, very rare (cost 10,000 gp) Crafting Components: Behir stomach This item is actually an aperture for the mouth of an immense extradimensional creature and is often mistaken for a bag of holding. The creature can perceive everything placed inside the bag. Up to a cubic foot of inanimate objects can be stored inside, however once per day the creature swallows any inanimate objects inside and spews them into another plane of existence (with the Narrator deciding the plane and time of day). Animal or vegetable matter placed completely inside is instead ingested and destroyed. This item can be very dangerous. When part of a creature is inside the bag (including a creature reaching a hand inside) there is a 50% chance the bag pulls it inside. A creature that starts its turn inside the bag is ingested and destroyed. A creature inside the bag can try to escape by using an action and making a DC 15 Strength check. Creatures outside the bag may use an action to attempt to reach in and pull a creature out with a DC 20 Strength check. This rescue attempt is subject to the same 50% chance to be pulled inside. Piercing or tearing the item destroys it, with anything currently inside shifted to a random location on the Astral Plane. Turning the bag inside out closes the mouth. Bag of Holding Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 500 gp) Crafting Component: Phase spider silk This bag’s interior space is significantly larger than its apparent size of roughly 2 feet at the mouth and 4 feet deep. The bag can hold up to 500 pounds and has an internal volume of 64 cubic feet. Regardless of its contents, it weighs 15 pounds. Retrieving an item from the bag requires an action. If you have never interacted with a specific bag of holding before, the first time you use it, it requires 1d4 rounds to take stock of its contents before anything can be retrieved from the bag. Food or water placed in the bag immediately and permanently lose all nourishing qualities — after being in the bag, water no longer slakes thirst and food does not sate hunger or nourish. In a similar fashion, the body of a dead creature placed in the bag cannot be restored to life by revivify, raise dead, or other similar magic. Breathing creatures inside the bag can survive for up to 2d4 minutes divided by the number of creatures (minimum 1 minute), after which time they begin to suffocate. The bag cannot hold any item that would not fit in a normal bag of its apparent size or any item with the Bulky quality. If the bag is punctured, torn, or otherwise structurally damaged, it ruptures and is destroyed, and the contents are scattered throughout the Astral Plane. Placing a bag of holding inside another extradimensional storage device such as a portable hole or handy haversack results in planar rift that destroys both items and pulls everything within 10 feet into the Astral Plane. The rift then closes and disappears. Bag of Tricks Wondrous item, uncommon or rare (varies) Crafting Component: Ball of shed chimera fur or a molted owlbear feather This seemingly empty cloth bag comes in several colors and has a small, fuzzy object inside. You can use an action to pull a fuzzy object from the bag and throw it up to 20 feet. Upon landing, it becomes a creature determined by a roll on the Bag of Tricks table (depending on the bag’s color).

Chapter 8: Enchanted Gear 235 The resulting creature is friendly to you and any companions you have. It acts on your turn, during which you can use a bonus action to give it simple commands such as “attack that creature” or “move over there”. If the creature dies or if you use the bag again, it disappears without a trace. After the first use each day, there is a 50% chance that a creature from the bag is hostile instead of friendly and obedient. Once you have used the bag three times, you cannot do so again until the next dawn. GRAY BAG OF TRICKS (uncommon; cost 350 gp) d8 Creature 1 Weasel 2 Giant rat 3 Badger 4 Boar 5 Panther 6 Giant badger 7 Dire wolf 8 Giant elk GREEN BAG OF TRICKS (rare; cost 800 gp) d8 Creature 1 Giant Crocodile 2 Allosaurus 3 Ankylosaurus 4 Raptor 5 Giant lizard 6 Triceratops 7 Plesiosaurus 8 Pteranodon TABLE: BAGS OF TRICKS BLUE BAG OF TRICKS (uncommon; cost 400 gp) d8 Creature 1 Quipper 2 Octopus 3 Seahorse 4 Hunter shark 5 Swarm of quippers 6 Reef shark 7 Giant seahorse 8 Giant octopus Barbed Devil’s Bracelet Wondrous item (patron token), uncommon (requires attunement; cost 150 gp) Crafting Components: Talons of a fiend The hand on which you wear this bracelet transforms into a claw covered with a dozen wicked spines. Your unarmed attacks with the claw deal 1d6 piercing damage, and you gain an expertise die on Sleight of Hand checks made to steal small items. Your hand returns to normal if you remove the bracelet. RUST BAG OF TRICKS (uncommon; cost 400 gp) d8 Creature 1 Rat 2 Owl 3 Mastiff 4 Goat 5 Giant goat 6 Giant boar 7 Lion 8 Brown bear TAN BAG OF TRICKS (uncommon; cost 300 gp) d8 Creature 1 Jackal 2 Ape 3 Baboon 4 Axe beak 5 Black bear 6 Giant weasel 7 Giant hyena 8 Tiger As an action, you can draw upon the claw’s magic to cast produce flame. Whenever you use the claw in this way, one of the bracelet’s spines disappears and your hit point maximum is reduced by 1d8. This reduction lasts until you finish a long rest. If this effect reduces your hit point maximum to 0, you die and your body permanently transforms into a barbed devil. When the bracelet has no more spines it becomes a mundane item.

Trials & Treasures 236 Barrow Bread Wondrous item, common (cost 2 gp) Crafting Components: Rock salt licked by a basilisk Barrow bread is made from mashing together plantains and starches that are grown in the tropical barrows. While this viscous, starchy paste is not actually a bread, it perfectly preserves and maintains the temperature of any food tucked inside it for up to a week, protecting and preserving 1 Supply. The magic is contained in the plantain leaves that are wrapped around the barrow bread. Once unwrapped, the barrow bread itself can be consumed (as 1 Supply) within 15 minutes before the outside elements spoil it. Bead of Force Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement; cost 3,000 gp) Crafting Component: Dust from the Astral Plane or a pocket dimension This sphere of black glass is ¾ an inch in diameter and can be thrown up to 60 feet as an action. On impact it creates a 10-foot radius explosion. Creatures in the area make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d4 force damage on a failure. A sphere of force then encloses the same area for 1 minute. Any creature that is completely in the area and fails its save is trapped within the sphere. Creatures that succeed on the save or that are only partially within the area are pushed away from the point of impact until they are outside the sphere instead. The wall of the sphere only allows air to pass, stopping all other attacks and effects. A creature inside the sphere can use its action to push against the sides of the sphere, moving up to half its Speed. The sphere only weighs 1 pound if lifted, regardless of the weight of the creatures inside. Bead of Tracking Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; cost 200 gp) Crafting Components: Hide of an insect from the Dreaming This miniature bead is covered with hundreds of small hooks. When you use an action to place it on a creature’s clothing or hide, the bead hangs there imperceptibly and creates a bond between you and the creature. You gain an expertise die on checks made to track the creature while the bead remains on it. To place the bead during combat without being noticed, you must succeed on a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check against the creature’s maneuver DC (or when outside of combat, the creature’s passive Perception). Belt of Dwarvenkind Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement; cost 5,000 gp) Crafting Components: Lock of hair from a dwarf’s beard, freely given in friendship While wearing this belt, you gain the following benefits: • Your Constitution score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20. • Advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made against dwarves. • Advantage on saving throws against poison, and resistance to poison damage. • Darkvision to a range of 60 feet. • The ability to speak, read, sign, and write Dwarvish. In addition, while you are attuned to this belt there is a 50% chance at dawn each day that you grow a full beard (or a noticeably thicker beard if you have one already). Belt of Giant Strength Wondrous item, varies (requires attunement; cost varies) Crafting Components: Braided rope made of hair from the same kind of giant as the belt to be made Wearing this belt increases your Strength score to the score granted by the belt. It has no effect if your Strength is equal to or greater than the belt’s score. Each variety of belt corresponds with a different kind of giant.

Chapter 8: Enchanted Gear 237 TABLE: BELTS OF GIANT STRENGTH TYPE STRENGTH RARITY COST Hill giant 21 Rare 4,000 gp Frost or stone giant 23 Very rare 9,000 gp Fire giant 25 Very rare 20,000 gp Cloud giant 27 Legendary 55,000 gp Storm giant 29 Legendary 150,000 gp Berserker Axe Weapon (any axe), rare (requires attunement; cost 600 gp) Crafting Components: Haft of oak smoothed with wax from an infernal insect You gain +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic axe, and while you are attuned to it your hit point maximum is increased by 1 for level you have attained. Curse. After you attune to this axe you are unwilling to part with it, keeping it within reach at all times. In addition, you have disadvantage on attack rolls with weapons other than this one unless the nearest foe you are aware of is 60 feet or more away from you. In addition, when you are damaged by a hostile creature you make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or go berserk. While berserk, on your turn each round you move to the nearest creature and take the Attack action against it, moving to attack the next nearest creature after you incapacitate your current target. When there is more than one possible target, you randomly determine which to attack. You continue to be berserk until there are no creatures you can see or hear within 60 feet of you at the start of your turn. Birdsong Whistle Wondrous item, common (cost 85 gp) Crafting Components: Cuckoo bird egg This carving of reddish soapstone resembles a miniature cardinal. When air is blown through the lower back high-pitched sounds are emitted through the bird’s open beak. When the whistle is blown the sounds of songbirds are heard by all creatures in a 100-foot radius. These calls are indistinguishable from actual birds singing.

Trials & Treasures 238 Alternatively, you can use an action to break the whistle to summon a large flock of birds that appear at the start of your next turn and surround you in a 10-foot radius. The flock moves with you and makes you heavily obscured from creatures more than 10 feet away for 1 minute, or until the flock takes 10 or more damage from area effects. Blackbird Pie Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 150 gp) Crafting Components: Feather from the Dreaming This item appears to be a freshly baked pie in a tin. When the crust is fully punctured the pie explodes as 24 magic blackbirds fly out and flit through the air in a 20-foot radius for 2d4 rounds, at which point the birds and the pie disappear. A creature that starts its turn in the area or first enters into the area on its turn makes a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 1 slashing damage on a failure. A creature damaged by the blackbirds has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls until the beginning of its next turn. The blackbirds are magical and cannot be interacted with like normal animals, and attacking them has no effect. Book of Storing Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 350 gp; requires attunement) Crafting Components: Beautiful leather bound tome, scroll of major image After you attune to this 1-foot square 6-inch thick book it hides its true nature to anybody else, appearing to be a mundane diary. When you open it however, the book reveals a Tiny storage compartment. The storage space is the same size as the book, and because this item doesn’t function as a pocket dimension it can be safely used to store such items (such as a portable hole). Boots of Elvenkind Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 300 gp) Crafting Components: Owlbear hide These boots cause your steps to make no sound, no matter the material step upon. While wearing these boots, you gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to move silently. Boots of Levitation Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement; cost 750 gp) Crafting Components: Lodestone brought above the treeline and then down to sea level While wearing these boots, up to 3 times between long rests you can use an action to cast levitate on yourself. Boots of Speed Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement; cost 3,000 gp) Crafting Components: Soles of the shoes worn by the winner of a prestigious race While wearing these boots, you can use a bonus action to click the heels together. You double your walking speed, and opportunity attacks made against you have disadvantage. You can end the effect as a bonus action. Once the boots have been used in this way for a total of 10 minutes (each use expends a minimum of 1 minute), they cease to function until you finish a long rest. Boots of Striding and Springing Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; cost 400 gp) Crafting Components: Athletic wraps worn while joyfully frolicking through a pixie’s flower field or jumping over a deadly drop While wearing these boots, your Speed increases to 30 feet, unless it is higher, regardless of encumbrance or armor. In addition, your jump distances increase 15 feet vertically and 30 feet horizontally (as the jump spell). Boots of the Winterlands Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; cost 500 gp) Crafting Components: Fur from a winterwolf or yeti While wearing these boots, you gain the following benefits: • Resistance to cold damage. • You ignore difficult terrain caused by ice or snow. • You can survive temperatures as low as –50° Fahrenheit (–46° Celsius) without effect, or as low as –100° Fahrenheit (–74° Celsius) with heavy clothes.

Chapter 8: Enchanted Gear 239 Borrower’s Bookmark Wondrous item, common (requires attunement; cost 40 gp) Crafting Components: Recommendation of a good book (the creature making the recommendation must be present for at least 1 hour of the item’s creation time) A neat strap of embossed leather, the borrower’s bookmark can be placed in a book, allowing it to be stored in an extradimensional space. As an action you can send the book into a pocket dimension. While it is in the pocket dimension, you can use an action to summon it to your hand or an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. If you unattune from the bookmark while its book is within the pocket dimension, the bookmark reappears on your person, but the book is lost. The bookmark’s magic can’t be used to store anything other than a book. Curse. The borrower’s bookmark is cursed. Books dismissed to the pocket dimension are sent to a powerful entity’s lair. The entity learns all the knowledge contained therein, as well as your identity and location. Bottle of Fizz Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 350 gp) Crafting Components: Ruby, ember from the Plane of Fire When found this thick glass bottle has 25 (5d10) small red rocks inside. You can use an action to throw a red rock to the ground to create a spectacular fireworks show that lasts for 1 round. The fireworks cast bright light for 50 feet and dim light for a further 30 feet, and they can be heard up to 200 feet away. Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals Wondrous item, rare (cost 3,000 gp) Crafting Component: Water elemental mote This heavy glass bowl weighs 3 pounds and can hold 3 gallons of water. While it is filled, you can use an action to summon a water elemental as if you had cast the conjure elemental spell. Once used, you must wait until the next dawn to use it again. Box of Bees Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; cost 110 gp) Crafting Components: Queen bee from a hive that has persisted for at least 5 years Many apprentices play pranks on one another, some of which can be quite painful—the box of bees is a particularly popular example and now sold by those with their own mischievous designs. Each of these wooden boxes is rectangular and approximately 2 inches long. It is usually unadorned, though some boxes seem to have something moving or vibrating inside. When you speak the command word and use an action to expend 1 charge, the lid slides open and a bee erupts out of the box to harass a creature of your choice within 20 feet. A creature harassed by the bee must succeed on a DC 5 Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns for 1 minute. On a failure, the creature makes its next attack roll or ability check with disadvantage. When you speak another command word and expend all 3 charges, a dozen or more bees swarm out of the box and attack. A creature attacked by the bees must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns for 1 minute. On a failure, the creature takes 1 point of damage and has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks for 1 round. The box has 3 charges and regains 1d3 charges each dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a result of 5 or less, the box loses its magic and becomes a mundane item. Box of Party Tricks Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 500 gp) Crafting Components: Pearls, tears of a puppet master This small neat box contains 1d12 glowing vials. You can use an action to remove a vial and smash it to the ground, creating a randomly determined effect from the Box of Party Tricks table.

Trials & Treasures 240 TABLE: BOX OF PARTY TRICKS D8 EFFECT 1 A small bonfire appears in the nearest unoccupied 5-foot cube and remains for 1 minute. All other sources of flame within 50 feet double in brightness. 2 For the next minute you gain +1 bonus to ability checks, attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws using Strength. 3 You summon a small, fiercely loyal armored weasel into your service (with 7 hit points and Armor Class 14 thanks to its miniature mithral outfit) that obeys only your commands. 4 A metal ball appears floating in your space and remains there until you say the command word, making it slam into the nearest hostile creature to deal 3d6 bludgeoning damage before disappearing. 5 For the next 1d6 hours your voice becomes higher by an octave. 6 Until the next dawn you leave a trail of wildflowers wherever you walk. 7 A pair of boots of elvenkind appear in the nearest unoccupied square. After this effect has appeared once, any further results of 7 are rerolled. 8 All hostile creatures in a 30-foot radius are ensnared by ice. An ensnared creature is grappled until it uses an action to make a DC 16 Strength check to break out. Bracers of Archery Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; cost 500 gp) Crafting Components: Bracer worn by a centaur While wearing these bracers, you gain proficiency with the longbow and shortbow, and you gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls on ranged attacks made with them. Bracers of Defense Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement; cost 2,000 gp) Crafting Components: Portion of a shield worn by a commander to war While wearing these bracers, you gain a +2 bonus to AC if you are not wearing armor or using a shield. Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals Wondrous item, rare (cost 3,000 gp) Crafting Component: Fire elemental mote While fire burns in this 5 pound brass brazier, you can use an action to summon a fire elemental as if you had cast the conjure elemental spell. Once used, you must wait until the next dawn to use it again. Brooch of Shielding Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; cost 450 gp) Crafting Component: Willingly given dragon scale While wearing this brooch, you gain resistance to force damage and immunity to the magic missile spell. Broom of Flying Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement; cost 2500 gp) Crafting Component: Roc feathers You can sit astride this ordinary-seeming 3 pound broom and speak its command word, causing it to hover. While it is hovering you can ride the broom to fly through the air. The broom can carry up to 200 pounds at a speed of 40 feet, or up to 400 pounds at a speed of 20 feet. It stops hovering if you land. You can send the broom up to 1 mile from you by speaking its command word and naming a location you are familiar with. It can also be called back from up to a mile away with a different command word.

Chapter 8: Enchanted Gear 241 Bubble Wand Wand, uncommon (cost 120 gp) Crafting Components: Perfectly spherical frozen soap bubble This slender timber wand has a wooden ring at its tip. The wand has 7 charges and regains 1d6+1 charges each dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand bursts into a spray of colorful bubbles and is lost forever. While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend its charges and either create a harmless spray of colorful bubbles (1 charge) or cast the dancing lights cantrip (2 charges). The dancing lights appear as glowing bubbles. When a creature targets you with an attack while you are holding the wand, you can use your reaction to snap it (destroying the wand). You can do this after the roll is made, but before the outcome of the attack is determined. You gain a +5 bonus to AC and a fly speed of 10 ft. as a giant soap bubble coalesces around you. The bubble persists for 1 minute or until you are hit with an attack, at which point it bursts with a loud ‘pop’. Cage of Folly Wondrous item, common, (requires attunement; cost 75 gp) Crafting Components: Remains of a magic item whose crafting check was failed This small silver or gold birdcage traps your bad ideas and puts them on display. When you fail an Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion check, a little piece of a mechanical bird materializes inside the cage: first the feet, then legs, body, wings, and head. You can immediately reconsider and reroll the ability check. The cage of folly can be used once every 24 hours, and recharges at the end of each week. Once you have used the birdcage 5 times, the bird sings a mocking song for 1 hour when you fail an Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion check. If you open the birdcage and let the bird go free, it gives you one piece of good advice about a current problem or question that you face. At the Narrator’s discretion, the advice may give you advantage on one ability check made in the next week. Afterward it flies away as the birdcage loses its magic and becomes a mundane item (though some who have released their birds claim to have encountered them again in the wilds later.) Candle of Invocation Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement; cost 50,000 gp) Crafting Component: Blood from a divine servant such as an angel or fiend This golden candle is infused with raw divine magic. When attuned to by a cleric or druid, it takes on a color appropriate to the cleric’s deity. You can use an action to light the candle and activate its magic. The candle can burn for a total of 4 hours in 1 minute increments before being used up. While lit, the candle sheds dim light in a 30-foot radius. Any creature within the area who worships the same deity as the attuned creature (or at the Narrator’s discretion, an allied deity) has advantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks. If one of the creatures gaining the prior benefit is also a cleric, druid, or herald, they can cast 1st-level spells from one of those classes at that spell level without expending spell slots. Alternatively, one of these candles that has not yet been lit can be used to cast the gate spell. Doing so consumes the candle. Candle of the Surreptitious Scholar Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; cost 150 gp) Crafting Components: Wax harvested from bees fed lavender nectar Initially crafted by wizard apprentices trying not to irritate their roommates, these candles became extremely popular with the thieves and other ne’er do wells that can afford them (helping some less scrupulous novice mages to afford tuition). The candle has 3 charges and regains 1d3 charges each dawn. When you speak the command word and use an action to expend 1 charge, the candle’s flame to spring to life. Its bluish flame provides clear illumination within 5 feet and dim light for another 5 feet. The enchantment of the candle is such that the light that it sheds is visible only to you, allowing you to read, write, or engage in other tasks with no penalties from darkness. Each charge is good for 1 hour of illumination, after which the candle winks out. By expending all 3 charges at once, you can create an effect identical to light except that only you are able to see the light it sheds.

Trials & Treasures 242 If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a result of 5 or less, the candle loses its magic and becomes a mundane item. Cantrip Wand Wand, uncommon (cost 500 gp) Crafting Components: Scroll of the cantrip to be imbued and a branch from a treant or awakened tree This wand can be used as a spellcasting focus and allows you to cast one additional cantrip as if you knew it, as long as it is on your spell list. Each cantrip wand has a cantrip imbued within it upon creation, and will be known by its name (such as a fire bolt wand or light wand). Other implements exist for the storing of cantrips from other classes (like cantrip holy symbols or cantrip instruments), and though these are wondrous items they function like wands. Cape of the Mountebank Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement; cost 2,500 gp) Crafting Components: Brimstone from the lower planes While wearing this cape, you can use an action to cast dimension door once between long rests. You disappear and reappear in a cloud of smoke which dissipates at the end of your next turn, or sooner if conditions are windy. Carpet of Flying Wondrous item, very rare (cost varies; see table) Crafting Component: Thread spun on the top of a mountain You can use an action to speak this carpet’s command word, making it hover and fly. It moves according to your verbal commands as long as you are within 30 feet of it. These carpets come in four sizes. The Narrator can choose or randomly determine which size a given carpet is. If the carpet is carrying half its capacity or less, its Speed is doubled. TABLE: CARPET OF FLYING D20 SIZE CAPACITY FLYING SPEED COST 1–4 3 ft. x 5 ft. 250 lb. 30 ft. 15,000 gp 5–11 4 ft. x 6 ft. 500 lb. 25 ft. 20,000 gp 12–16 5 ft. x 7 ft. 800 lb. 20 ft. 25,000 gp 17–20 6 ft. x 9 ft. 1,000 lb. 15 ft. 30,000 gp Celestial Aegis Armor (full plate), very rare (requires attunement; cost 17,500 gp) Crafting Components: Blessed text, plate armor This suit of imposing +2 full plate is engraved with holy runes of a forgotten divinity. You cannot attune to this armor if you have either the Evil alignment trait. While attuned to and wearing this armor, you gain the following benefits: • Your AC increases by 2. • You count as one size category larger when determining your carrying capacity. • Your Strength score increases to 20. This property has no effect if your Strength is equal to or greater than 20. • You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws. • You gain an expertise die on Intimidation checks. • You can use a bonus action to regain 2d6 hit points. Once you have used this property a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. • Your unarmed strikes and weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 radiant damage. • Aberrations, fiends, undead, and creatures with the Evil alignment trait have disadvantage on attack rolls made against you.

Chapter 8: Enchanted Gear 243 Censer of Controlling Air Elementals Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement; cost 3,000 gp) Crafting Component: Air elemental mote While incense burns in this 1 pound censer, you can use an action to summon an air elemental as if you had cast the conjure elemental spell. Once used, you must wait until the next dawn to use it again. Charcoal Stick of Aversion Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 150 gp) Crafting Components: Forged document that passed bureaucratic scrutiny At every level of society—but especially when you’re on the bottom — going unnoticed can be a great benefit. Invisibility is one thing but effectively hiding your home and your possessions can be harder. As an action, you can expend 1 charge to draw a large X on one object up to the size of a normal door. This has no effect on creatures, or objects worn by creatures. Creatures other than you that see the marked object roll a DC 10 Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, they do not notice the marked object as anything out of the ordinary from its surroundings (such as a blasphemous icon in a church, a barrel of gunpowder in a kitchen, or an unsheathed weapon resting against the wall of a bedroom going unnoticed). On a success, they can interact with the object normally. A creature that remains in the area and is consciously searching for the kind of object that you have marked receives a new saving throw at the end of each minute. A creature interacting with a marked object automatically reveals it to all creatures who observe the interaction. A charcoal mark lasts for 24 hours or until it is wiped away as an action. Alternatively, you can expend 2 charges to increase the DC to notice the object to 15. The charcoal has 2 charges and regains 1 charge each dusk. If you expend the last charge, the charcoal is consumed. Chime of Opening Wondrous item, rare (cost 750 gp) Crafting Component: Key from a decommissioned prison You can use an action to strike this foot-long metal tube while pointing it at an object that can be opened (such as a lid, lock, or window) within 120 feet. The chime sounds and one lock or latch on the object opens as long as the sound can reach the object. If no closures remain, the object itself opens. After being struck 10 times, the chime cracks and becomes useless. Circlet of Blasting Wondrous item, uncommon (300 gp) Crafting Component: Ashes from a massive explosion such as a volcanic eruption Once per dawn, while wearing this circlet you can use an action to cast scorching ray. The attack bonus for the spell when cast this way is +5.

Trials & Treasures 244 Cloak of Arachnida Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement; cost 10,000 gp) Crafting Components: Drider’s silk and silver thread spun on a wheel in moonlight While wearing this cloak, you gain the following benefits: • Resistance to poison damage. • A climbing speed equal to your walking speed, allowing hands-free movement across vertical and upside down surfaces. • The ability to ignore the effects of webs and move through them as if they were difficult terrain. • Once between long rests you can use an action to cast the web spell (save DC 13), except it fills double the normal area. Cloak of Displacement Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement; cost 5,000 gp) Crafting Components: The breath of an invisible stalker This cloak creates a visual illusion that distorts your position. Attack rolls against you have disadvantage unless the attacker does not rely on sight. When you take damage, this property stops until the start of your next turn, and it is otherwise negated if you are incapacitated, restrained, or unable to move. Cloak of Elvenkind Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; cost 500 gp) Crafting Components: Leaves and bark from an awakened tree While you wear this cloak with its hood up, its color changes to camouflage you. While camouflaged, you gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide and creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made to see you. You can use an action to put the hood up or down. Cloak of Protection Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; cost 500 gp) Crafting Components: Bracelet of a seasoned bodyguard While wearing this cloak, you gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class and saving throws. Cloak of the Bat Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement; cost 5,000 gp) Crafting Components: Blood from a vampire spawn While wearing this cloak, you gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. In addition, while in an area of dim light or darkness, you gain the following benefits: • A fly speed of 40 feet while gripping the edges of the cloak with both hands. • Once between long rests you can use an action to cast polymorph on yourself, transforming into a bat. Unlike normal, you retain your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. Cloak of the Manta Ray Wondrous, uncommon (cost 400 gp) Crafting Components: A merfolk’s joyous song While you wear this cloak with its hood up, you gain a swim speed of 60 feet and can breathe water. You can use an action to put the hood up or down. Cloak of the Shadowcaster Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement; cost 5,000 gp) Crafting Components: Thread from the Plane of Shadow Shadows writhe underneath this cloak. While attuned to and wearing this incredibly dark cloak, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in dim light or darkness. In addition, you can use an action to animate your shadow for up to 1 hour. While animated, you can see and hear through your shadow’s senses and control it telepathically. If your shadow is slain while animated, your shadow disappears until the new moon, during which time the cloak becomes nonmagical. Once you have used this property, you cannot do so again until the next dawn.

Chapter 8: Enchanted Gear 245 Clockwork Calendar Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 150 gp) Crafting Components: 4 bronze clockwork gears, each one forged during a different season A circular disk of dozens of interlocking gears almost a foot in diameter, upon first examination this device is unfathomably complex. The gears are covered with runes that appear to be a much older form of Dwarvish script. Rotating some of the raised gears causes this apparatus to slowly tick through a series of symbols that seem to correspond to astrological signs. To understand how to operate the clockwork calendar, you must carefully study the device and turn the gears through their myriad configurations. After 1 hour you can make a DC 16 Investigation or Arcana check. On a failure, you cannot reach a conclusion regarding how to interpret the intended function of the calendar. On a success, you understand how to utilize the device as indicated below. Casting identify on the calendar reveals a moderate aura of divination magic but provides no information on how to use this complex object. Once you know how the clockwork calendar functions, you can adjust the dials to display the current day of the year for the geographical region of the world you are located in (this property does not function outside of the Material Plane). The exposed faces of the gears composing the calendar display the position of the stars in the sky and the dials can be adjusted throughout the day or night to continue to track their position. The calendar can also be adjusted to any past or future dates and times to ascertain the position of any of the celestial objects visible in the night sky. Additionally, you can use a bonus action to smash the clockwork calendar and destroy it, gaining the benefits of the haste spell until the end of your next turn. Compendium of Many Colors Wondrous item, common (cost 60 gp) Crafting Components: Vial of nectar from the Dreaming, high quality parchment This spellbook made from high quality blank parchment is covered in tiny runes. When one of these small inscriptions is pressed the parchment changes color. Confidante’s Journal Wondrous item (patron token), uncommon (cost 145 gp) Crafting Components: Papyrus made from albino reeds Living vines hold shut this journal’s cover and part only for you. Your patron can read anything you write in the journal and can cause brief messages to appear on its pages. If you spend a short or long rest writing your most secret thoughts in the journal, you can choose to gain Inspiration instead of regaining expended Pact Magic spell slots. The seventh time you gain Inspiration in this way, you fill the journal’s pages and can’t write in it again. Contract of Indentured Service Wondrous item, common (requires attunement; purchase of the debt for 150 gp) Crafting Components: Binding contracts of service signed in good faith Necromancers occasionally act as apparent benefactors, offering loans to victims now in exchange for service after death. This contract details an account of a spirit that has become indentured to the contract’s holder. While holding the contract, you can speak the command word as an action to summon the invisible undead spirit, which functions as the spell unseen servant. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Alternatively, you can use an action to tear up the contract and release the undead spirit. The spirit appears as a friendly specter you can telepathically command (as a bonus action) for as long as you maintain concentration. The specter acts immediately after your turn. If your concentration is broken, the specter attacks you and your companions. Otherwise the specter disappears 10 minutes after it is summoned, vanishing to whichever afterlife awaits it. Cord of Spirit Stealing Wondrous item, rare (cost 1,250 gp) Crafting Components: An item that has been used to kill a sapient creature This leather cord is the color of stained blood and feels slightly moist. When wrapped around the handle of a melee weapon, the cord captures some

Trials & Treasures 246 of the energy of any sapient creature the weapon is used to kill. When you reduce a hostile sapient creature to 0 hit points, the cord gains 1 charge (to a maximum of 5). You can use a bonus action to spend 1 charge from the cord to cast false life, or expend more additional charges to increase the spell’s level to the number of charges expended. Crystal Ball Wondrous item, very rare or legendary (requires attunement; 50,000 gp or 150,000 gp) Crafting Component: Solid, silver-laced crystal ball (rare) or stone from an aligned plane (legendary) A typical enchanted crystal ball can be used to cast the scrying spell (save DC 17) once between short rests while touching it. Three legendary variations exist. In all cases, the legendary variants have an alignment (Chaotic, Evil, Good, or Lawful). If you do not have an alignment trait that matches the crystal ball’s, after using it you take 6d6 psychic damage and gain a level of strife. Crystal Ball of Mind Reading. You can use an action to cast detect thoughts (save DC 17) on a creature within 30 feet of the spell’s sensor. This effect does not require concentration, but it ends when the scrying does. Crystal Ball of Telepathy. While the scrying is active, you can communicate telepathically with creatures within 30 feet of the spell’s sensor, and you can use an action to cast suggestion (save DC 17) through the sensor on one of them. This effect does not require concentration, but it ends when the scrying does. Crystal Ball of True Seeing. In addition to the normal benefits of scrying, you gain truesight through the spell’s sensor out to a range of 120 feet. Cube of Force Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement; cost 4,000 gp) Crafting Component: Adamantine cube This inch-long cube has a recessed button with a distinct marking on each face. It starts with 36 charges and regains 1d20 of them at dawn. You can use an action to press one of the buttons, expending charges as shown on the Cube of Force table. If the cube has insufficient charges, nothing happens. Otherwise, the cube creates a 15-foot cube of force that is centered on you and moves with you. It lasts for 1 minute, until you use an action to press another button, or the cube’s charges are depleted. You can change the cube’s effect by pressing a different button. Doing so expends the requisite number of charges and resets the duration. If moving causes the cube to come into contact with a solid object that can’t pass through the cube, you cannot move any closer to that object while the cube is active. The cube loses charges when targeted by effects from the following spells or magic items: disintegrate (1d12 charges), horn of blasting (1d10 charges), passwall (1d6 charges), prismatic spray (1d20 charges), wall of fire (1d4 charges). TABLE: CUBE OF FORCE FACE CHARGES EFFECT 1 1 Gasses, wind, and fog can’t penetrate the cube. 2 2 Nonliving matter can’t penetrate the cube, except for walls, floors, and ceilings (at your discretion). 3 3 Living matter can’t penetrate the cube. 4 4 Spell effects can’t penetrate the cube. 5 5 Nothing penetrates the cube (exception for walls, floors, and ceilings at your discretion). 6 0 Deactivate the cube.

Chapter 8: Enchanted Gear 247 Cubic Gate Wondrous item, legendary (cost 250,000 gp) Crafting Component: Metal from each of the six planes on the cube This 3-inch cube has 3 charges and regains 1d3 charges each dawn. Each side of the cube is keyed to a different plane, one of which is the Material Plane. The other five sides are determined by the Narrator. As an action, you may press one side of the cube and spend a charge to cast the gate spell, expending a charge and opening a portal to the associated plane. You may instead press a side twice, expending 2 charges and casting plane shift (save DC 17) which sends the targets to the associated plane. Culdarath the Ninth Ring’s True Name Wondrous item, common (requires attunement; cost 70 gp) Crafting Components: Parchment charred with flames from the Plane of Fire This slip of parchment contains the magically bound name “Ozzacath’ta Culd” and is burned black at the edges. While you are attuned to it, you can use a bonus action to invoke the name on this parchment to summon a vision of a powerful efreet beside you for 1 minute. Ozzacath is haughty and impatient when conjured but seems to relish the chance to burn anything. Once a vision is summoned in this way, it cannot be summoned again for the next 24 hours. You can use an action to verbally direct the vision to do any of the following: • Light a bonfire, candle, or similar flammable object within 15 feet. • Burn brightly (or cease burning brightly) for the next minute providing bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for a further 15 feet. • Translate up to 25 words of spoken or written Ignan into Common. Alternatively, as an action while the vision is summoned you can agree to revoke your claim on Culdarath in exchange for his direct assistance. When you do so the parchment burns to cinders and for the next minute the vision roars into a ball of fire within 5 feet of you (as flaming sphere, save DC 13). On each of your turns, you can use a bonus action to verbally indicate where the ball of fire moves. Once you have revoked your claim in this way, you can never invoke Culdarath’s true name again. Cunning Tools Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 250 gp) Crafting Components: Silver worked only by the light of the full moon This exquisitely designed set of thieves’ tools are enchanted to guide even the clumsiest felons to success. While using these thieves’ tools you are proficient with them, and you gain an expertise die on checks made to pick locks or disable devices such as traps. In addition, these thieves’ tools fold down into a single smooth rosewood handle that appears to be a finely polished piece of wood, and you gain an expertise die on checks made to conceal them. Dagger of Venom Weapon (dagger), rare (cost 2,500 gp) Crafting Components: Mushrooms gathered from a mummy’s tomb You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic blade. In addition, once each dawn you can use an action to poison the dagger’s blade for 1 minute or until it is used to damage a creature. When a creature is damaged by the blade’s poison, it makes a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or takes 2d10 poison damage and becomes poisoned for 1 minute.

Trials & Treasures 248 Dancing Sword Weapon (any sword), very rare (requires attunement; cost 8,000 gp) Crafting Components: Fey-crafted instrument While you are attuned to this magic sword, you can use a bonus action to speak the command word and throw it into the air. The sword hovers, flies up to 30 feet, and attacks one creature of your choice within 5 feet of it (using your attack roll and ability score modifier to damage rolls). On each of your turns you can use a bonus action to make the sword fly up to 30 feet to attack another creature within 5 feet of it. After the sword attacks for the fourth time, it tries to return to your hand. It flies 30 feet towards you, moving as close as it can before either being caught in your free hand or falling to the ground. The sword ceases to hover if you move more than 30 feet away from it or grasp it. Death’s Essence Pendant Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 500 gp) Crafting Components: Humanoid remains, pearl You can use an action to activate this small black pendant, making any undead of CR 1 or lower indifferent to you and creatures you choose within 30 feet of you. The undead remain indifferent until you threaten or harm them. The pendant has 5 charges and regains 1d4 charges each day at dawn. Three times each day you can use a bonus action and expend a charge to summon a skeleton (page @@) or zombie (page @@). Your summoned creature follows you and is hostile to creatures that are hostile to you. You may decide the action the undead takes and where it moves during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as guarding an area. If not given a command, the undead only defends itself. The undead continues to follow a command until its task is complete. Decanter of Endless Water Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 450 gp) Crafting Component: water elemental mote This flask sloshes when shaken as if full of water. You can use an action to remove the stopper and speak a command word, causing undrinkable water to flow out of the flask. It stops at the start of your next turn. Stream. This command word produces 1 gallon of water. Fountain. This command word produces 5 gallons of water. Geyser. This command word produces 30 gallons of water that manifests as a geyser 30 feet long and 1 foot wide. As a bonus action, you can aim the geyser at a target within 30 feet, forcing it to make a DC 13 Strength saving throw or take 1d4 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. Any object less than 200 pounds is knocked over or pushed up to 15 feet away. Deck of Illusions Wondrous item, uncommon (500 gp) Crafting Component: paper made by the fey This box houses a set of 34 illustrated cards when new. A found deck is typically missing 1d20 cards. As an action, you can draw a random card (one manually selected does nothing) and throw it up to 30 feet from you. Upon landing, the card creates an illusion of one or more creatures. These illusions are of normal size for the creatures depicted and act normally, but are insubstantial and harmless. While you are within 120 feet of the illusion, you can use an action to move it anywhere within 30 feet from its card. The illusions are revealed to a creature when it uses an action to make a DC 15 Investigation check or automatically upon any physical interaction. Once revealed, an illusion becomes translucent. The illusion lasts until its card is moved or it is dispelled. In either case the card disappears and cannot be reused.

(ENG) Level Up 5a Ed. - Trials and Treasures - Flip eBook Pages 201-250 (2024)


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.